My First Blog: Get To Know Me

Hi, everyone! I am new in this platform. Please allow me to introduce myself.

I dwell into the adversities of the world in my own path. I learn and unlearn with every circumstance I have faced. I am not a brave soul but I am proud of how my life is running.


I am always in pursuit of progress and growth and I've been trying my best to not be anchored in the same place that's no longer for me. Outside my firm beliefs, have colors inside of me that paint my world with cotton candy dreams.

To drop a few hues, I am an introvert. I enjoy my own company and I feel more at peace when I am alone. But that does not shush the part that I also love meeting with my friends. I enjoy having deep talks and catching up with them on a coffee shop. Speaking of which, I do love coffee a lot, however, my migraine’s been such a meddler on that part.


I am 21 years old and currently a 4th year Accountancy student. I am studying in one of the state universities in our province. I’m from Northern Luzon, by the way. Going back, I’m on my last year in this program and I hope I will have strength and patience until I get my diploma with this degree.
I also run a small business though I am going to put it in a hiatus state for quite some time. This thing got me through tough financial situations and it paved a way to help my parents especially amidst the pandemic. I was able to buy the things I need in school. It feels really great to finance my own expenses and also to treat my family with the hard-earned money.

This is an adjustable bracelet that I made.

Other side of me is that I am crafty – I like crocheting and making beaded accessories. I am also very committed to watching. I watch series more than movies because of my attachment issues to the characters. It brings me comfort and a whole new world far away from reality. I hope I could share my favorite titles soon in this platform.
Growing up, I had to make a lot of sacrifices and I hope I will be able to untie all the ropes I had to put a lock on. I have a younger sister and I am doing my best to provide her with all the things that she need.

I hope, as I unlock this new journey in this platform, that I will once again meet new people and reach new destinations. Since my younger years, writing has been my one call away friend. I used to be a writer and an editor in our school paper and I’ve been to many places when I was joining journalism contests. When I got in college, I thought I would never be able to write again aside from the notes I put in my phone and journal but then readcash came and now I’m on Hive.

It’s funny but yes, words can take us to places. Writing is an adventure and it will only get better.

I don’t talk a lot but I do write about everything under the sun. I am not an optimist; I like the reality and truth better even though I run away from it most of the time but I do know hope and rays of sunshine and I must say that there’s always not to give up as long as your heart tells you it’s the right thing to do.

The world is terrifying but everything about tomorrow is unsure unless we get to it so let us all pour a big amount of love and let us hope for the best that may come.

Thank you for reading!

All photos are mine.

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