A Writer, Writing About Herself

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I know I am not a famous person for you to get interested about me. But, I want you to know more about me and give my future articles a chance.

I am Hannah Rose Gagarin, 20 years old from Bagani Gabor, Candon City, Ilocos Sur.

I am currently a BS Accountancy student in UNP and I aspire of being a Certified Public Accountant because I think that I will have a lot of opportunities in this field in the future.


As a student
All subjects are difficult but I liked one of our subjects in my first year which is CFAS. I enjoyed Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards because it was interesting to read about the theories and underlying concepts of accounting. It was like an overview of the entirety of my course.

I also like Income Taxation because I believed I would really make use of what I have learned in my future. I hope to enjoy more accounting subjects as I continue my path towards becoming a CPA.

As a future CPA
In the future, I want to be an independent woman who is financially stable. I dream of working in a private accounting firm that pays me stable income. I want to support myself and my family. While working, I still want to enjoy life by trying to save money so I could spend it for my hobbies.

My Hobbies
I like reading fantasy novels like Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase. I got interested in mythology because of them
I also like reading manga or Japanese comics. I also love anime ever since I was a child. I read and different genres. Action, romance, slice of life, comedy thriller and even mystery. And of course. I have learned a lot from them and I enjoy the time I spent on them
I also love watching Korean dramas with warm storylines and good humor.
I also like playing online games.
I have also started to learn how to crochet. In my free time, I also like to write essays with random topics to improve my writing.
My hobbies tell u a little about myself. I like enjoying things on my own and staying home.

Me as a writer
I think I started writing when I joined campus journalism when I was in fourth grade. I continued writing til I was in my senior high school. I wrote editorials and that's why I have learned to always have an opinion of something. I learned a lot of political issues that made me aware of what is really happening around me. It made me curious of a lot of social issues that I encounter as I read.

To be a writer, one must be a good reader. I have also developed my writing skills because of my fondness of reading different books. I liked reading about fantasy books like the Percy Jackson series. I also liked reading Japanese mangas with different genres. By reading, I widened my vocabulary and enhanced my grammar. And when you read exciting stories, it makes you want to write your own interesting composition too, right?

More about me
Someone said I am like a panda and I realize that person might be right. They are awkward and clumsy. Like me. I am shy at times and I look awkward when in most situations. Like I am also clingy with my friends.
I have an introverted personality. I am usually quiet and shy especially at an unfamiliar environment. I do not like crowds and I do not like to be the focus of attention. Although, I can be talkative around people I am comfortable with. And I can speak my mind when I need to. I may not be passionate as other people but I still have the determination to reach my goals.

Lastly, I love coffee.

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