Hey, Embrace Your Flaws


We all have flaws.

My hair doesn't grow regardless of what product we buy ( if you see me then you will know). Your nose isn't where it should be, but it's not so far from it. Some like their flaws, some despise them, but either way, they are a part of who we are.

You may feel like you're missing out on opportunities because other people see you as flawed. But did you know that having a visible flaw or two doesn't mean you're actually flawed? Or that these perceived flaws are what's keeping you from success? It's important to give yourself the time and space to accept your body for being just how it is — even when it doesn't live up to your expectations.

I myself at times see something that is kinda off in me but lately, I realized that they don't define who I am as a person, it's just one of those aspects that I have to accept and learn to live with. (my hairline is thinning each year and I think at the age of 40 I will be completely bald )

What do you think? Do you sometimes feel like your body is a problem? How do you cope with this feeling?

Value your uniqueness.

Photo by Joeyy Lee on Unsplash

I think the main problem is that many people don't realize how unique they are. Each person is a combination of so many different factors that it's hard to find someone exactly like us. So, when we compare ourselves with other people, especially those who seem more attractive or successful than us, what we're doing is comparing apples to oranges. We need to remind ourselves that our own individuality makes us special and irreplaceable.

So, instead of comparing ourselves with other people, we should focus on our own uniqueness. This doesn't mean that you should think that you're better than everyone else; it just means that you should appreciate your own qualities and stop trying to be someone else.

The first step in overcoming the habit of comparing yourself with others is to become aware of your own thoughts and actions. Whenever you notice yourself comparing yourself with someone else, stop for a moment and ask yourself: why am I doing this? What does it accomplish? Why can't I just accept myself for who I am

Be willing to change.

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Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

The second step is to be willing to change your behavior. If you're comparing yourself with others and it makes you feel bad about yourself, then there's no reason why you should continue doing this. You have the power to change how you think and behave, so don't let past habits hold you back from becoming the best version of yourself!

In one of the books that I am reading a concept of eudaimonia is presented. This is the idea that humans are meant to flourish, and that we can only do so if we live according to our nature. This means that we should work towards cultivating the virtues that are unique to humans, such as reason and self-control.

The change will always be there for sure and if you are willing to take further steps to improve yourself that will be a great thing. I myself am a believer that if there's something within me that can be changed with all of the powers that I have I will definitely change but if it is not within my control then I let go.

For example, I cannot change the fact that I getting bald and so I have to accept it already and just focus on other stuff.

A lot of people don’t care about our imperfections nearly as much as we think they do.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

When you look at it, we all have flaws. The only difference is that some people are better at hiding them than others. It’s important to realize that there’s no such thing as perfect and even if someone claims otherwise, they're probably lying or delusional.

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that we should all be perfect, but it’s not realistic. We’re human and humans aren’t perfect. It's important to remember this, especially when you're feeling down about yourself or some aspect of your life. You are allowed to make mistakes and no one is expecting you to be perfect all of the time.

Focus on the good in your life.

Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

When you focus on the good things in your life, it makes it easier to be happy. You can think about all of the wonderful things that are happening in your life and feel better about yourself. This is a great way to get out of a funk and improve your mood in general.

It can be hard to stay positive, but it’s important to remember that you are good enough. You are allowed to feel bad about yourself sometimes, but don’t let those feelings drag out too long.

Try to think of things that will make your life better in the future. If you’re feeling down about something, in particular, try to remember that it will get better. You can take steps now to make things easier on yourself later on when things get hard again.

Flaws come in all shapes and sizes and they're more beautiful than we give them credit for. I know that it is hard to embrace it as the society will always tell us to be perfect at times but if you look closely, you will see that every flaw comes with a story. You are not your flaws, they are just part of who you are.

While you are in the process of embracing it - please do not die.


For further readings you can check the following blog post:
Becoming Competent & Confident by @charmingcherry
Be Yourself: Why Our Uniqueness Matters and How to Harness It

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