Philosophy of Tarot Major Arcana: The Devil

   Introduction. Often in the people's minds Tarot cards are associated with a gypsy woman sitting in a tent and predicting a future that can not be changed .

    For me, Tarot - is primarily a philosophy, strict and logical system, a textbook of life, simple rules, following which you can make your life easier and brighter.

    The Major Arcana describe the life of a person, his evolution. Minor Arkana talk about everyday situations. When Major Arcana come to our life it gives us a specific kind of energy. You can use this energy to improve your life.

    The picture shows the night. In the air, there is a smell of fires. At all times, the fire was considered one of the greatest disasters. Accordingly, the smell of burning is perceived as a signal - a misfortune is approaching and it is impossible to prevent.

    The Devil sits on a raised platform. This means that a person who is under the influence of the Devil stands out among others.

    The Devil sits directly on the cube that stands on the globe. We are already familiar with these symbols. The cube is the symbol of our world of the four dimensions (length, height, width and time). It must be remembered that every person has an energy channel to the Devil. The use of this channel is a matter of free choice.

    The incarnation in our world confronts us with certain tasks. Our world is designed in such a way that there is no direct evidence of the existence of the Divine. Our task is the conscious choice of light without any evidence of the possibility of receiving divine support.

    The esoteric task of the Devil is to create conditions for an conscious choice. Thus the Devil himself as energy plays an important role in our spiritual growth.

    At the same time, it does not make the Devil a positive character. All that he does, he does not to ensure our spiritual development, but solely for his own benefit. That is, for us, the arrival of the Devil's energy can be useful from the standpoint of our spiritual growth, but the Devil does not set such a goal in front of him.

    We see that his hoofs are crossed. This speaks of inner closeness, I repeat again that all that he does, he does solely for himself. If a person deliberately chooses light, this is the merit of the person himself.

    The Devil is a Baphomet. It is an entity that unites the signs of all elements. Legs goat - the elements of the earth. Wings behind - the element of air. On the head of the Devil we see fire - the elements of fire. The bottom of the Devil's belly is covered with scales - the element of water. The peculiarity of the Devil is that he chooses only the bad qualities of each element.

    A simple example. Is water good or bad? On the one hand, the existence of life without water is impossible. But, on the other hand, water can have a terrible destructive power (flood, tsunami). Negative characteristics of water can also include impermanence, inability to separate what has been dissolved in water. Fire can warm, and can destroy all life. The earth gives stability, stability, on the other hand it is heaviness, rigidity, conservatism. The main positive characteristics of air - lightness, dynamism. On the other hand, it is superficiality, randomness. The Devil accumulates in himself the destructive power of each of the elements.

    The Devil has the signs of both sexes and he brings to the extreme male (aggressiveness) and female (passivity) energy.

    In front of the Devil there are a man and a woman strapped in chains. This symbol indicates the dependencies. If you look closely, the chain covers their bodies freely enough to be easily removed. This again speaks about freedom of choice. We fall into any kind of dependence on our own will.

    The head of the Devil fits into the inverted (involutive) pentogram. On the forehead of the Devil is an evolutionary pentagram. This again tells us that the supreme task of the Devil is to ensure evolution, even if through negative methods.

    When the energy of the Devil comes into our lives, our task is to learn how to choose light, even if the choice of darkness seems to us more simple and attractive. This choice, as I said, must be conscious, without the guarantee of divine support. All that we have in this situation is our own belief in light and good.

  Sincerely yours,                                                                

Ms. Tedda 

(thank you my husband Alex for placing this article in his blog @torem-di-torem

 Picture: Tarot of Twelve Rays (Isset Kotelnikova)      

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