Examination Of The Three Laws Of Thought

The Three Laws Of Thought

The three laws of thought known as

  1. The Law of Identity
  2. The law of (non)-contradiction
  3. The law of no excluded middle

The three laws of thought has been described by various thinkers throughout recorded time. The three laws can be viewed as the syntax governing correct thought. If these laws are disobeyed in thought we break the rules of the syntax and produce a malfunction, an incorrect form of thought. This malfunction renders the thinker unable to corrospond harmoniously with the world he exist in, because he thinks wrong of it.

Well known individuals who wrote about these laws of thought:


Plato - Socratic dialouges:

'First, that nothing can become greater or less, either in number or magnitude, while remaining equal to itself ... Secondly, that without addition or subtraction there is no increase or diminution of anything, but only equality ... Thirdly, that what was not before cannot be afterwards, without becoming and having become.'

John Locke

'Whatsoever is, is. As It is impossible for the same thing to be and not to be.'

Bertram Russel

(1) The law of identity: 'Whatever is, is.'
(2) The law of contradiction: 'Nothing can both be and not be.'
(3) The law of excluded middle: 'Everything must either be or not be.'

How they can be observed in nature

  1. The Law of Identity
    Example #1:
    You are reading this post and not another post. This post is this post. If you were reading another post it would no longer be the true identity of this post

  2. The law of (non)-contradiction
    Example #1:
    If you think you are reading this post while you also think you read another post at the same time, a contradictory thought about reality occured. It is a claim that statet; Yes I am reading this and no I am not reading this, while still holding the belief that the claim is be correct/true.

  3. The Law of No Excluded middle
    Example #1:
    Either you read this post or you did not read this post. There is no middle agreement here.

  4. The Law of Identity
    Example #2:
    An individual must be that individual. A must be A.

  5. The law of (non)-contradiction
    Example #2
    An individual can not both be "that" individual - And not that individual at the same time.
    A can not both be A = A - And A is not A. It has to be either on or off, true or false.

  6. The Law of No Excluded middle
    Example #2:
    For the individual to be the individual he can not be a little bit something else. A must be A for A = A to be true.

The importance of understanding these 3 laws

Embedding and obeying these 3 laws of thought in how we filter information in our thought process, can not only prevent us from comitting mistakes while trying to put our idea or vision into action. It can also prevent us from buying into false ideologies that operates outside out the realm of reality.

To embed these understandings of how this physical "realm" operates, under law (natures), we must clearly accept the following statements:

#1 That things are what things are no matter what we think of them.
#2 That there are no such thing as a contradiction in nature. Nature and whatever generating force you may or may not see as first principle does not produce a contradiction. Man's failure to think and align his thoughts to nature however is fallable to contradictions.

Leaving it up to every individual to correct his thinking to the best of his ability, or suffer the consequences of ignoring that which is the truth, for the benevolence of his own illusions.


There is an intelligent design that can be recognized and acted in alignment with.

If the world of phenomenon did not act in pure consistency, we would be subjected to randomness and relativism. Imagine if the air became something else, or the sun only half existed. Perhaps what went up did not come down and peace was war. Everything would be in a chaotic state, blinking in and out of reality.

Luckily for us the plane of effects (physical realm) does not reflect or imitate our mental confusions and spawn our logical errors/fallacies. The "problem" however still persists: Our free will and self-ownership makes us respondsible to reap what we sow, meaning that everytime we disobey the rules of reality, we sooner or later find ourselves in trouble.

We will reap exactly what we deserved from our actions. Whether we wanted it or not, whether we thought it was good or not, reality will repects our actions perfectly, 100% of the time. Every action we commit the universe will flawlessly manifest what we asked for, by our actions. Not what we felt about those actions or what we tought about those actions.

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