Examination Of Logical Fallacies

What is a logical fallacy?

A logical fallacy is an error in thought which do not agree with the three laws of thought. Fallacies when used in regular speech, is either 1) Used for bending the logic in an argument to suit the "manipulator's" untrue claim, or 2) It can be the cause of an error in the thought process, causing a wrong conclusion (a misunderstanding).

Quote from the book: The Trivium:

'The Proper attitude in argument is expressed by socrates: What sort of man am I? I am one of hos who would be glad to be refuted when saying a thing that is untrue, glad also to refute another if he said something inexact, not less glad to be refuted than to do it, since I deem it the greater blessing, in porportion as it is a greater good, to be released from that which is the greatest evil than to release another from it' - Plato, Gorgias

The Trivium continued:

'In so far as an argument is fallacious, it is not logical. But as logic is concerned with truth, it is incidentally concerned with negation of truth, namely erros - falsity and fallacies. A fallacy is a violation of logical principle disguised under an appearance of validity; it is an error in process. Falsity is an error in fact' - Sister Miriam Joseph


Why is a logical fallacy a logical fallacy?

The reasons behind a fallacy being fallicious in nature, are due to the fact that they do not corrospond to the three laws of thinking - Making the fallacy an error in the process of thinking.

How does a logical fallacy operate?

A logical fallacy presents itself as being the logic behind, what is and what is not actually true about something. Logic is concerned with how "things" are known (truth). Therefore every fallacy (error in logic) produces a disconnection with reality, in the languaged used to convey thought about reality, while the absence of a logical fallacy does not.


I have the right to rule you because: 'Insert fallacy/fallacies here'.

No matter how we try, the causality that enables one to rule another, does not exist outside of illusions.

The premis for the right to rule another living being can not enter reality, as it would be in a contradictory state towards the fact that, living beings belong to themself. Hence every attempt to defy this immutable reality, always will require corrupted logic in some form or another.

Feel free to leave a premis or two for your right to rule others in the comment section :)

What can we use logic for?

Illogical things can not enter the plane of effect (where our bodies exist). As soon as something is, as in being in existence, it is a logical entity. For a thing to be it must be within the spectrum of being logical. Where non logical things can not be in existence, as they disagree with the prerequisites for being.

A nature of something real must be non contradictory. Therefore the correct use of logic is a direct dispell of mental illusions, as it enables the wielder to cut through the axioms creating the illusion.

Examples: 'Two wrongs make a right'

#1 A mother hits her son for hitting his sister.

#2 'Yeah maybe I slept with my friends wife but I know he was with a another woman too.'

#3 'Sure many people die from violence in prisons, but they are criminals after all'


For something to be real in the physical domain it must respect the order in that which it exist in. This separation of being and not being through logic, does not in any way imply the idea that one can make up a fallacy about a logical entity (something that exist), and by doing so make it vanish from exsistence. That would be the logical fallacy: The fallacy fallacy.

Link to the fallacy fallacy: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Fallacy_fallacy

Link to earlier post for more clarification

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