Workshop - Who is intelligent ?


Let’s try to ask yourself this question: Do I think I am intelligent ?

The answer will probably change depending on the context, if you would have to answer in a comment here or within a group of person, you will adapt. To stay humble, because you don’t want to be judged or fear what will follow if you say yes or no.

Is your self esteem about intelligence flayed by your schooling? Is someone intelligent only when he his strong in mathematics or writing ? When did you start thinking: Am I intelligent ? At 6 years old maybe 10 ?

Classroom workshop

What I did in almost 60 classroom from 5 to 13 years is: Go in front of the student and kindly ask who is intelligent in this classroom ?

With the little ones, simple - They all raise their hands in a matter of a few seconds. They all believe they are intelligent and it’s true! Then with the middle ones from 8 to 10, you get 75% of yes, with the bigger ones from 10 to 13 years old you get 25% yes. With the middle and big ones I ask them to answer anonymously on a piece of paper, since saying yes in the classroom can be risky!

Isn't It crazy to see that more they grow and less they believe in them self. These small workshops were made in the French part of Switzerland!. It’s all about self esteem. The school can harm it in some case and power it in other. I did this exercise with the students to remind them that they are all smart!

After the theory, the students shares they skills in small groups or draw (for the little ones) and then they can or not shares their thoughts to the all classroom.

Theory of multiple intelligences

Then I explain the base of the theory of multiple intelligences, humans have 7 intelligences and we have them all but maybe not at the same level. Some are skilled in musical-rhythmic and some others in interpersonal intelligence. From Wikipedia:

Gardner proposed seven abilities that he held to meet these criteria.

  • Musical-rhythm
  • Visual-spatial
  • Verbal-linguistic
  • Logical-mathematical
  • Bodily-kinesthetic
  • Interpersonal
  • Intrapersonal

He later suggested that existential and moral intelligences may also be worthy of inclusion.


Here is a nice ~4 min video explaining the 7 (actually 8 in the clip) intelligences with examples:


Every single human is intelligent, do not let anyone say the opposite to you, we are all different that’s all. Everyone needs to have self esteem to become the best version of himself! I believe that your school path don’t define who you are, diplomas are important but pointless if no passion, if no talent. In the same time, someone who found his talent, don’t necessarily needs diploma to succeed.


Photo from - Under free CCO License
Cross posted from my Whaleshares blog
Wikipedia - Theory of multiple intelligences

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