Russian style of hand-to-hand combat.

Author: V. V. Karachevsky
International Association Of Kadochnikov System
Russia, St. Petersburg
The dynamics of the development of our civilization makes high demands on people. This development is accompanied by extreme contradictions associated with the lack of production of social relations in comparison with material and spiritual production, so modern society suffers from serious ailments and axiological disorientation.

  • Social apathy,
  • loss of moral compass,
    • the destruction of the creative ideology,
  • instilling dependent and consumer qualities,
  • reduction of the level of responsibility in all areas of activity,
  • growing technologies of manipulation of public consciousness
    – here is an incomplete list of pathological phenomena that threaten to turn into serious consequences and incalculable disasters not only for our country but also for the whole world. One of the global threats to humanity sociologists believe unconsciousness.
  • The crisis of modern science and education reflects the current situation.
  • The free flow of information leaves no time for reflection and blurs the worldview.
  • New approaches to the organization of knowledge and the formation of a real picture of the world are needed.
  • Modern culture is economically based on the principle of individual rivalry.
    An individual has to struggle with other members of the same group, take precedence over them and often "push aside".
    The superiority of one often means failure for the other.
    Competition and the potential hostility that accompanies it permeate all human activity, competition is one of the dominant factors in social relations.
    In the absence of spiritual and moral foundations and a clear functional orientation, the practice of martial art can lead to socio-psychological deformation of the individual, which becomes aggressive and dangerous for society.
    Therefore, one of the important socio-pedagogical aspects of the Kadochnikov system is
    Education of a safe type of personality
    That is, it requires the development of skills that help to overcome both psychological and social stereotypes, to find creative solutions to the most difficult conflict situations. And this entails the need for
  • formation of the "mental model of the world" , the most adequate reality,
    • mastery of prognostic skills of advanced reflection of reality
  • and research-cognitive approach to life.
    Any military art is inseparable from the history, philosophy and religion of the people who settled on the land of their ancestors.
    As part of the national culture, it is necessary for humanity as a way of holistic education of the individual, his intellectual development, familiarizing with the accumulated collective experience of mankind, to specific social and historical interests, aspirations and ideals.
    The philosophy of Russian military art can be expressed in two words – the protection of the Fatherland. The basis of this worldview is the entire centuries-old history of our country, its geographical location and the nature of the people formed in these climatic conditions.
    Kadochnikov system as an integral part of the national military culture
    , one of the important ideological installations prefers the concept of management of physical and mental resources of the person operating in critical conditions of activity.
    In a combat situation with the complex impact of adverse factors, a person is very often unable to take actions that require large physical costs.
    That is why there is a vital need for a special training system aimed at achieving the greatest results of their actions with the maximum possible energy savings.
    It is not just about a viable, but, first of all, about the energy – saving system of hand-to-hand combat-the system of the most rational and appropriate acting forces. This approach to motor activity is also dictated by the natural and climatic conditions of Northern Eurasia, where the character and culture of our people continues to form.
    We do not see hand-to-hand combat as a panacea for all ills. Currently, in our opinion, the issues related to it have shifted more to the side, which has a huge educational effect, towards the development of psychological as well as special physical qualities.
  • This is an increase in psychological and physical resistance to adverse environmental factors,
    • and the development of the level of subtle perceptions,
    • and the use of reserve capabilities of the body,
  • and the development of agility, resourcefulness, ability to make non-standard decisions.
    Therefore, Patriotic education of pre-conscription youth, prevention of juvenile delinquency and promotion of healthy lifestyles among students is an important socio-cultural task of military art.
    The style of hand-to-hand combat, considered in this article, is a section of the human survival System, as a personal safety technique, focused on the preservation of viability in a dangerous environment.
    This system is based on the unshakable Foundation of modern science:
    • physics,
    • anatomies,
    • biomechanics,
  • physiology,
  • ergonomics,
    • psychologies,
  • conflictology, etc.
    Thus, Kadochnikov considers hand-to-hand combat in all its facets, both from the practical and theoretical side in human life.
    This system does not study any particular technique or a set of techniques, but develops a constant readiness for optimal appropriate psychological and physical actions in extreme circumstances.
    It takes into account the anthropological features of the Slavs and closely related peoples. You can also add that the Kadochnikov System is defined primarily by three components:
    • orientation of the personality;
  • the degree of conscious ownership of their mental processes;
  • technical Arsenal of activities.
    Military art, like any other, should multiply the real life experience of a person
    The practice of martial art for personal security purposes allows us to change cognitive stereotypes and develop a certain sequence of problem solving.
  • First, to learn to predict events more clearly – a strategic component;
  • second, correctly assess the situation and avoid the most dangerous consequences-a tactical component;
  • third, timely response is an operational component.
    In view of all the above, it becomes obvious differences in the totality of biomechanical movements and techniques between martial arts and applied hand-to-hand combat, the purpose of which is the survival of man.
    Another difference from martial arts is that an athlete operates within strict rules and according to sports ethics, and the situation in which a warrior acts is often difficult to predict.
    Russian martial art is based on the long-established laws of honor and valor of the Russian army. The main postulate of survival, that is, survivability, is the duty, possibility and need to preserve health, strength and life to solve the globally important problems of human development.
    Based on the holistic perception of the world, taking into account the objective laws, Kadochnikov System allows you to focus on the study of actual problems and processes of interaction of nature, society and man.
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