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kodan eng

(i) State ‘Le Chatelier’s principle’.
(ii) Using Le Chatelier’s principle, predict the effect of increasing pressure on the following equilibrium.
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇋ 2NH3(g)
(h) (i) Describe the elements required by plants.
(ii) Give the monomer structure and uses of PS.

  1. Answer any FOUR questions. (32 marks)
    (a) (i) Define buffer solution.
    (ii) Calculate the pOH of a buffer solution containing 0.2 mole of ethanoic acid (pKa=3.8) and 0.05 mole
    of sodium ethanoate per 200 cm3 of solution.
    (b) (i) Define the electrical energy and the mechanical energy.
    (ii) Calculate the heat of combustion of butane gas (C4H10) if its heat of formation is -124 kJ mol-1.The
    Heats of formation of CO2 (g) and H2O(l) are -395 kJ mol-1 and -287 kJ mol-1, respectively.
    (c) Write down the complete equations of the following equations.
    (i) CH3-CH2-COONa + NaOH → ?

        (ii) CH3-CH2-OH          H2SO4(conc)      ?            
        (iii) CH3-CH2-OH         Al2O3         ?
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