The ultimate guide to cryptosecurity - 10 things you Must do to keep your cryptos safe and not get hacked


Everyday im reading about people getting hacked, lost funds, got phished, etc. Im so paranoid that i set up my computer to be safer than NASA! Although i only have a few hundred dollars of crypto, this might be worth thousands in the future!

No for real, i want to share this with you because i dont want You to lose funds and i especially want to prevent scumbag hackers from getting this!

Some tips you might now, or some not! But please read this and i hope it keeps you safe(r). The order of things to do is also important. If you want to skip the first part thats also fine, just install the extensions and follow the tips after that!

This article will not have any click-links because you should never click any link if you want to download or log in to something. Allways fill the website adres in yourself. and never click the google ads!

1: Make sure your computer is completely clean!

The best thing is to back up the files you want and start from scratch! That means re-installing windows or whatever platform you have. Make sure you use tools that completely erase your harddrive!

This insures that there are no malware or phising tools running on the background

2: Buy a complete virusscanner package, one that has all ( virus, malware, firewall) etc,

You could download this illegally ofcourse. But who's saying it doesnt have anything running on the background...?
I use Avast, but kaspersky is also good! This also has a safe-zone (banking) browser that you can use for payments or buying/selling crypto.

3: Install password auto-fill like Google smartlock, Avast pastwords, etc. ( most virusscanners have them)
if you dont have to fill in your password on a website, it is less likely that someone will see what your password is.

Ofcourse you need to make sure that nobody can log in or gain acces to your PC but most virusscanners have that covered.
If you still want to type in your password, download Hitman.Pro Alert (extension in chrome!)

This encrypts everything you type! So no-one can see your password or credentials typing it in.

4: Use a VPN
Just spend a few bucks for a good VPN! it makes it really hard for hackers to get in and encrypts everything you do on the internet. Really, do this! spend that money!

5: Myether wallet has a few extension you need to install!

You have an extension that blocks all other site that are similar to So if you use a link or it redirects to a adres that looks like myetherwallet, it will block it!

Also install the myetherplorer extensions and use that to check you wallet. You dont have to log in for that! filling in your details over and over again greatly increases the chance of hackers getting in!

You can also download another blocker ( i use Block Site) and just fill in the exchanges you use. You have to do this by hand but just fill in as many possible variations of that webadress.

I just read that someone got their funds stolen on bittrex because he logged in on Blttrex (with an small L). thats very hard to see. Just block as many possibillities as you can think of!

6: Make bookmarks of sites you use, and use only that!

dont google websites you know the adres of! dont click on links anywhere!! just type in the site. Bookmark it and use only that!

it will ensure you are on that site and that site only

7: use multiple tools and scan your computer daily

On my computer i have the standard windows defender and i put all setting on Red alert. Maximum security. I only go online with a VPN. I have a paid virusscanner. I use CC cleaner and another virus/scanner tool + some other measures ( for security reasons i will not tell everything ;) )

I scan daily, i empty registers and use different tools to check and spot everything!

You can choose what u use just download and/or buy multiple products!

8: Use different passwords for each log-in and make them difficult!

Not one of my passwords is the same. I do have one main password that i know and all others are variations of this.
mine has somewhere between 16 -23 letters made up with special signs, numbers, captials, and everything you can use on the keyboard.

Using the same password everywhere and something like your name and your birthdate is just giving your money away. Also it needs to be letters, numbers, capitals and special signs and at least 13 characters long! or else it isnt safe.

I back up my passwords but dont write them down fully. i use * to encrypt it for myself. But when i see it i will be like, ah thats my password. but no-one else will know this!

I keep this back up offline ;)

8: DO all your back ups OFFLINE

i have a encrypted and password protected harddrive where i keep my encrypted passwords, secret codes, Json files, wallet back ups etc.

This drive is only turned on and plugged in when i need them! if im not using it. its powered off and not plugged in. Keeping your stuff offline ensures hackers cant reach it!

9: Enable maximum security setting and 2 factor authentification right away!

If you are using an exchange and dont have 2FA turned on, you need to do this right away. Download google authenticate on your phone. connect this to your exchange right away!

Now you need your loging, password and a code from your phone that changes every 30 seconds to log in!

after that, also enable email verification! So even if they do manage to get your password and 2fa, they will need to confirm your email too to withdraw! So its a 3 step- verification process. Pretty safe!

10: Try and keep your crypto's from exchanges and put them in wallets, preferably a hardwallet!
All my crypto's are of exchanges and in wallets! The most valueable ones i keep in my ledger wallet.

This is like a USB drive with encryption that keeps your crypto's offline! Very safe! :)

So these are some tips you just need to do to keep your stuff safe.

Alot of people have some of these things, but dont have the extensions put in place in their browser, are not scanning reguarly or didnt clean their pc out.

Also, be are of some simple things but i will mention them anyway

  • Never click links to log in to! even if they are in your email or get them from a friend. Mostlikely these are phising mails and you will lose money!
  • Allways type in the adress yourself. Dont ever click ads! these could be phising adds and you will not notice it!
  • USE 2FA! this is so important i will mention it again
  • back up your stuff offline!
    _ Never open PDF files or .exe files from people you do not know! (.exe files dont open them from people even if you DO know them!)

pdf files are really tricky! They dont open at first if they are malware, and them when you click them again they change in to an .exe file and open! Buy Buy money!

So, i hope you have read some stuff that will make your security better. Maybe you think im paranoid because of all the stuff i do. And quite frankly, maybe i am! I only have a few hundred dollar in crypto, but it might be worth thousands in the future!

If you have any other tips for me please let me know in the comments! Also let me know if this was helpfull! I hope this helped keep you safe(r)


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