Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Google Authenticator vs. Authy


EDIT: after switching to Authy, I quickly found out that anyone who could port my cell number could recover all my Authy enabled authentication. So I switched back to Google Authenticator for now.

I switched from Google Authenticator to Authy today. It took me less than half an hour to change all my accounts. There were 2 drivers of this decision:

  1. Authy offers optional encrypted cloud backups and multi-device functionality. Seems like a no-brainer, and puts it over the top for me.

  2. Google abandoned their "Don't be evil" motto long ago. They track everything you do. I'm quite set on trying to minimize my usage of Google services and applications. It is difficult, but every little bit helps.

I have been doing a number of things lately to ramp up my privacy, this being one of them. I hope to cover more in future posts. For now though, be safe out there!

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