Operational Rules | The Rules Part 1


The Rules for Secure Operations

These are not mine, this is a compilation of knowledge over years of experience and study. Mistakes have been made and sometimes we learn the hard way. I am attempting to help so that you don't have to take the same path. Some of these are self evident but still are of note. This will be a multi-part series, as there will be many rules to learn from, as there have been many lessons. Always be careful.

Rule 0: Always double-tap

Rule 1: Always have an escape plan.

Rule 2: Be aware of your surroundings.

Rule 3: Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

Rule 4: Always have a backup plan.

Rule 5: Never get caught.

Rule 6: Keep your mouth shut.

Rule 7: KISS: Keep it simple, stupid.

Rule 8: 7 Ps: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Rule 9: A simple plan with a flexible blueprint will survive real world contact far better than a complex and rule-bound plan.

Rule 10: Prepare, execute and vanish.

Rule 11: You don’t have to like it-you just have to do it.

Rule 12: Always invest in good quality stuff.

These are the "Original 12" which are the foundation that the rest are based upon. Safe travels.


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