Be Careful My Friends; Your Personal Security Matters


Perhaps it is the former Intelligence Analyst in me or the fact that I'm currently a Private Investigator that makes me pay attention to things others do not. It could be that in a past life I might have been a body guard too. Protecting others comes naturally to me.

Today such professionals are called "Close Protection Officers," and they work in "Executive Protection." I am a student of the craft not to pursue the profession but for the skills gained from it. Almost everyone has someone to protect if not just themselves.

I have not done that work because of the travel and dangers involved. My children being in my life and protected by me on a daily basis is too important. However, I know some people who do the work, and there's much to be learned from them and their noble art.

You see a harmless photo of you standing on your back deck. I see a near exact way to locate your home.

All a person needs is a few social media posted videos and photos, and they have found your location. Is the person discovering this information and turning it into vital intelligence a friend or foe? Are they a tax collector, other thief, or assassin? There's no way to be sure. You have given them valuable information to act upon however.

Friends, please. Please be more careful with your own personal security. You may think you have nothing to hide or lose, but all of us do. Even if you have nothing of financial value to lose, you have loved ones to protect. They are your most valuable treasure. If you do not care about your own personal security, at least be wise for the sake of your loved one's.

You post a video of walking around your neighborhood. I see a map to pinpoint your location.

Within my past profession, it is called "All Source Intelligence." Unclassified information, when combined, can become classified. The reason for that is because the combination provides far more valuable facts. That is the definition of intelligence! You share a small fact here. Then you share another there. Someone else shares yet another one elsewhere. Soon, all of those facts combined, become actionable intelligence.

Yes, I can imagine you thinking, "This guy is really paranoid." You're free to think as you wish, but at least keep what I'm sharing in mind. What are you sharing? You may think what you are sharing is harmless, but you have no idea how what you share is being used. All of us have something valuable to lose. There's no reason to be foolish about our personal security either. All I ask is that my friends be careful about the information they are putting online.

The individual posts, pictures, or comments alone may be meaningless. Combine them though, and they are a key to treasure.

In the Military Intelligence symbol above, a "sub rosa" is included. It is an ancient symbol of secrecy or confidentiality. I advise my friends to keep as much about themselves secret as possible. Be careful what you share on the Internet, and do not make it easy for an enemy to find your home.

I hope this information helps you protect yourself, your loved ones, and your other treasures. Feel free to comment below to further the discussion, and resteem the post if you find it valuable enough to share.

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