Secrets, who's right, and who's wrong...can't we all just get along?

I recently made a decision that was very difficult and I am experiencing extreme backlash for doing what I felt in my heart and soul was what I had to do... I had a secret I was holding onto and it was eating me up inside. I was literally getting sick from it festering. I talked to counselors, friends, and family and I prayed and meditated for a month. I finally came to a realization that I had to live in my truth and for me that is not hiding big things like I was, not from the people I love. There are many decisions in life that appear to have a right and wrong answer in every situation...opinions made, fingers pointed, each person sure their view is the correct one. Trying to prove yourself or someone else right or wrong is just another way we separate ourselves from each other. In Rumi's quote it suggests meeting in a field beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing. A common interpretation of this is a place beyond our animalistic and ego driven struggles to win and survive, where we are all connected. When we meet in our awareness and experience the interconnectedness, souls recognize the pettiness of worldly conflicts and the larger truth emerges- that ultimately we are all in this together and what is more important is our love for one another and the power that created us. I pray that we can all meet in that field...and I am grateful that I know, God is already there. ❤️37300456_10157677427616038_3275985209807339520_n.jpg

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