Dear Secret - I've catfished for years


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Ghost Writer.

A secret that I've had for years, that literally no one knows about me... is that I pose as other people online.

I'm not at all proud of it, I'm disgusted by it to be honest... I've stepped away so many times, but keep getting pulled back in.

I meet people and make up a whole persona for them to get to know... I make up backgrounds, tell stories of things I haven't done, find random pics on the internet and say they're me and my friends. At my worst I probably had 10 "characters" going for 10 different people.


It's a lot of effort, and I feel guilty the entire time... but it also makes me feel good. People like me and they're interested in me, and things at home weren't great so I liked being someone else for a while... I've even tricked girls into falling in love with me which honestly makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I've had trouble with it... I've nearly convinced myself that I am these personas, that's when I knew I had to stop.

I did stop... for a bit.

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