Season Challenge: Trees Changing

Winter is still lingering in my neck of the woods and the cold temperatures showing up the odd day. Spring officially starts here tomorrow.

Trees against the evening sky. A scene in my backyard.


This part of the forest looks rather barren with the leaves gone for winter.

The fern are scattered around and their leaves stayed green all winter while sheltered in the forest.

A stream runs through the property.

This tree has some green moss climbing up it’s trunk. The moss does not harm the tree and kind of adds character.


A small tree with a huge growth. Makes me realize how susceptible trees are to many of human health issues.


Frilly fungi showing on this tree. Leaves and fir cones are scattered around, left from the fall but will eventually compost into the earth.


This time of year nature is starting to awaken. The grass will turn green, flowers will push up from the soil and the deciduous trees will blossom with a canopy of leaves to keep the land cool in the heat of summer.

#seasonchallenge is hosted by @roxy-cat and @erikah.

Check Hereto pick up the challenge.

Today is also #treetuesday inspired by @old-guy-photos.

Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada

Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T6





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