Game of Thrones Season 7 (2017) Review


Danerys holding Varys accountable is fun to see. Varys showing a conscience is ridiculous. Danerys is getting power hungry and paranoid. Uh-oh.

Danerys and Jon with the obsidian is funny. I’m waiting for them to get freaky. Danerys laying siege to King’s Landing doesn’t make that any better than attacking.

The last of House Tyrell has his convictions. That I respect. Tyrion is visibly disturbed as Danerys executes the last of House Tyrell.

The fact that Jon is Danerys’ nephew…. YAH. Made that scene horribly awkward.

Turns out the wisdom bestowed by Mance Raider about unity works. “Tell them what’s happening, and if we don’t face these wackjobs, we’ll die. It’s true.” Jon abides by his word to Danerys AND stands with her IN FRONT of Cersei. WOW.

Bran quoting Littlefinger from seasons past is AMAZING. For a split second, Baelish is TERRIFIED. And it’s glorious. But Littlefinger underestimates Sansa. Littlefinger trying to fool Sansa and Bran is ridiculous.

Arya’s reunion with Nymeria scene is super symbolic.

Sansa’s really...come into her own. I like it.

HAHAHAHA! That’s AWESOME! Bran, Sansa, and Arya set his ass up! At first, I didn’t register what was happening, but then when Sansa asked Littlefinger how he answered the charges, I immediately sat up and looked at my confidante. And Arya offs him! WOW! My confidante thinks Arya will be queen.

Arya stalking Littlefinger is…intriguing. I could only think that this is how Jaqen would stalk people before he killed them. But Littlefinger is on to Arya breaking into his room. How does Sansa face Littlefinger? The savage piece of shit Littlefinger…. With what he pulled. Littlefinger is a manipulative twit. I thought he’d wise up. But no. He really will stoop this low.

Is Sam going to cure Ser Jorah? HOLY SHIT! Sam just rolls up into Jorah’s cell all non-chalant, like,'Business as usual, all is good, who cares.’ You know when Ser Jorah is nervous, it’s serious…. Sam’s confidence is AMAZING. “Yah, I’ve never skinned someone alive, let alone PERFORMED SURGERY on a conscious person before, but here I go.”


Cersei is so fucked up. This sorry excuse of a human………Cersei and Jaime haven’t fucked in forever.

“Do you really think they’ll wring hands over the way it’s built?” Jaime’s point. Sadly true. But we do that on a regular.


The confirmation of Grandma Tyrell poisoning Joffrey is shocking. As I say,” Never underestimate women.”

Jaime suddenly sees war and it’s savagery. Bullshit. My confidante said,” Don’t tell me Jaime will survive Danerys’ attack!” And I thought the same thing.

When Jaime is spooked about the dragons, it’s awesome.

Bronn and Jaime questioning what to fight for. WOW. It’s like Joe Scarborough being the voice of reason.

HA! Tyrion's punching up is great. Always is. DAAAAMNNN! Go Sandor! "You know who's coming for you. You've always known." I got goosebumps!

SHIT. Bears on Earth scare me. But the bears here…FUCK!

I was hoping the bear would off the Brothers without Banners. Pieces of shit.

The sausage fest ambushing the army of the dead…. Not the wisest of moves.

Jon is a total moron. Torture the White Walker Gitmo style, but somehow killing is a bridge too far.

Also, I enjoy the transformation of Danerys and her crew with costumes. They're more serious, more uniform. They're taken more seriously.

World War Z White Walkers coming, a fucking armada behind the sausage fest. Who would’ve thought GRAVITY and PHYSICS would be a total lifesaver here??!?

I was worried Tormund would die. How you gonna kill him? He’s the most fun!

And one of the dragons is dead. Even Jorah and Tormund are stunned. Jon is still alive. Gave me a good fucking scare.

The dragon being excavated is like,” Are they doing what I think they’re doing?”

The gathering of Brienne, The Hound, Tyrion, and all to Cersei has Red Wedding all over it.

And WOW did Cersei off the truce initially. WHAT THE FUCK! Cersei is so fucking narrow sighted it’s so annoying. Jaime walking out on Cersei is INSANE.

Euron is a piece of shit. Also, again, not an effective strategy for getting someone to do what you want.

So… what is it The White Walkers want? Why now?

When Uncle Euron the savage mofo is afraid, you know it’s serious. But is he afraid? He’s been around the world a few times, he’s seen some shit.

“A foreign invasion is underway.” No kidding! Cause Euron came to crash the party. Now I get scared when Yara and the Martells are brought in front of Cersei and The Mountain.

Theon going to save Yara FINALLY. What the fuck took you so long?

It’s great when Theon fights what’s-his-face. When he goes for the crotch shot, Theon laughs cause whatshisface forgot the fact Theon’s been castrated. I was laughing too.

Then the legion of White Walkers come in. My stomach dropped faster than Tormund and Beric from the wall, with the dragon and the giant in tow. The dragon breathes BLUE fire? ** gulp **

Through the ENTIRE SERIES, we’re fed crumbs over the big, bad, Iron Bank of Braavos that Tywin Lannister and Grandma Tyrell are afraid of. Why? Why give them screen time to begin with? They’ve barely been touched aside from loan requests and pressuring Cersei to pay them back. From the show, we know they’ll have their due, and that they always get their money back, at least according to various characters. So, will we able to get to see their wrath in Season 8? Otherwise, why give them screen time to begin with? And reduce their existence to whispers among the characters? Like the characters don’t want anyone to hear their mentioning of the Iron Bank? TYWIN LANNISTER was afraid of them. But the only one who had enough guts to stand up to them was Ser Daavos.

Jon is in debt, so is Ser Daavos, that is, if he inherited Stannis’, and Cersei pissed them off.

Out of $8.00 USD, I would say this is worth $7.50 USD. It's damn near perfect, and there is still even more to cover in the story. Can't wait for season 8!

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