SEAL : The Game Changer

It is no longer news that every year, the battle for the soul of brands and products rages on. The battle with counterfeited products( inclusive of distributors/ marketers) takes a new dimension. In fact in the United States alone, 31,560 shipments contained counterfeited products and goods. This figure presents a sharp surge from the 28,865 (which if genuine would be worth $1.4 billion) of 2016 according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Basically, the upsurge of counterfeited goods hurts the brand they imitate, devalues it before customers and consumers - even hurt retailers who may end up having low sales due to consumers/users perceptions.

One is left wondering, why buy a fake product?? Why the desire or even need to buy a counterfeit product? but it has been observed to be the norm now, that such products are cheaper and come with close similarities to the original thus looks like a better offer or bargain to buyers. Sadly with the reduced cost of play, many are swayed to buy thus emboldening these counterfeiters to grow and expand their networks.

Anti-counterfeiting measures have not totally been absent, but they have "at least" in the present scope of things proven quite ineffective in curtailing the activities and menace of counterfeit goods and products. Yes, we are aware of watermarks, invisible ultraviolet inks etc, however, SEAL comes with a game changer. SEAL aims to disrupt the industry in a holistic way while bringing its innovation to bear with the adoption of online verification which leverages on the blockchain technology and dynamic chip.

Hence with SEAL's verification of the product’s authenticity and genuineness,- the authenticity of goods/ products will easily be determined by the tap of a smartphone.


Seal is the best way for anyone to check if a product is genuine or fake. Seal combines NFC chips, which are embedded into physical products, the Seal app, and the Seal Network to provide a fast, simple, and secure way to provide products authenticity and other services. By facilitating a secure tokenized version of a physical product, Seal allows product-specific services to operate such as transferring ownership, theft prevention, insurance, but also brand activation campaigns and product analytics. Seal lets brands earn money every time their products change owners. For the first time in history, brands can earn
money from items sold through the secondhand trade, while simultaneously protecting their markets from
counterfeiters. Using the power of the blockchain, authenticity can be checked and ownership can be transferred
decades from now, even if the product itself is discontinued, as long as people contribute to the decentralized Seal
network. Seal wants to bring back confidence to consumers and allow for brands to interact with their most heavily vested customers in the most direct way the internet has ever seen. Together, we build a better world in which consumers appreciate the creative work of makers and stop feeding the counterfeit economy.

Token Details
Token Will be referred to as: SEAL

Token Type: ERC-20

Token Price: 1 ETH = 7000 SEAL

Softcap: 33,000,000 SEAL

Hardcap: 492,000,000 SEAL

Presale 384,000,000 SEAL

Mainsale: 108,000,000 SEAL


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