Hourglass - ice and snow sculpture

My second project of the season was to decorate a wall with this hourglass. The hourglass itself is made of ice and the sand is made from a golden glittery textile. This is one way to add color to a sculpture. We cut a piece of textile in the desired shape and use a hot iron to make it stick to the ice. It makes a thin layer of ice to thaw and soak the textile that will then freeze against the ice. This textile was quite finicky to work with as it would break down in fibrous mesh when you would try to cut it. After a few adjustments, we imported the ice into the wall.

2020-12 Sablier 01

2020-12 Sablier 02

I also decorated the arches with a simple design. Most surfaces of the whole hotel are carved, so going with a clean and minimalistic design is the way to keep the project moving. We have to compose with the builders and technical crew, the light and sound guys, etc. Sometimes we just have to be in and out in a short amount of time.

2020-12 Sablier 03

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