SSP Listing on indodax (SSP COIN)

SSP coin listing on Indodax, coin SSP already on Indodax on July 1 2019, you can make a deposit that day, For trading starting on July 2, 2019 at an affordable price, if you don't have an Indodax account, you can register it here ...

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SSP stands for Smartshare, Smartshare is a decentralized and credible intelligent technology platform designed to reshape the ecosystem value of internet of things (IoT) ...

Currently the SSP is ranked 486 out of 2278 digital assets at a price of Rp.16 with the supply of around 10,000,000,000

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if you are interested in this coin, you can immediately buy it here, that is some of my brief explanations, hopefully useful

best regards


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