Is anyone else having problems using the scrollbar while reading blog posts on Steemit?

I'm having issues using the scrollbar when I read Steemit blog posts.

This problem only happens when I try to read blog posts and nothing else.

I'm using screen shots from this trending blog post as my example - credit to "dan."

Now look at the scrollbar on the right side of these two images. In the second image compared to the first, you will notice it is a darker shade. Unfortunately these screen shots don't capture my mouse cursor, but in the second image the scrollbar is a darker shade because my mouse cursor is placed over it.

When the scrollbar is a darker color that means you have it selected, you are then able to click on it to scroll through the blog post you are viewing.

However, often when I try to use this method to scroll through Steemit blogs, the scrollbar will not allow me to select it, it will not go to that darker shade, which means that even if I click down on it, I cannot scroll up or down.

An alternative is to use the up or down arrows on the scrollbar. There is no problem with the down arrow it works all the time no problems. However it's the complete opposite with the up arrow, it never works!

A third alternative is to click on the pathway of the scrollbar itself, the scrollbar will quickly slide down until it reaches the area being clicked on. Now this method works fine except for when clicking on the area within an inch down from the top arrow, strange.

A forth alternative is to just use the arrow keys on the keyboard, this works no problem in either direction.

Now some of you reading this may think to yourselves, What's the big deal? Just use your keyboard. I disagree, I know that if there are other people experiencing the same problem as me, it is likely that some of them will get frustrated and not want to bother reading Steemit blog posts anymore, which means less upvotes and comments for everyone. I know this issue isn't specific to my personal laptop, because when I use my work laptop I have the same issue.

Just so I know I'm not crazy, If you have the same issue please comment below, I'd appreciate it.

Now I'm no computer coder, but I hope that a Steemit developer is able to fix this problem. I would assume it would be an easy fix.

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this post.

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