I'm a scoundrel and I know it!

This morning I got read the riot act.

It's all fun and games until someone loses a ...?

This morning was not like a usual morning at all. I woke up feeling less bleary-eyed than the last few days (a welcome relief) and had some delicious coffee, got LL some breakfast with apple slices and had a lovely conversation. Then...

"Mommy can I have something else to snack on please?"
"Yes of course, I'll bring you something now my sweetheart".

Tick Tock Tick Tock...

"Oh wow - you're finished already? That was quick!"

"Yes Mommy" then with raised eyebrows and raised voice "And YOU ARE A SCOUNDREL!"
Me not being able to not laugh "Hahahaha why do you say that LL?"

"Because you STOLE one of my hot cross bun halves without asking and I caught you! You are a scoundrel and a very naughty mommy!"

She was genuinely rather pissed at the fact that I had knicked one of the hot cross bun quarters (not halves) on my way back to the kitchen.

"But they were just so nom looking...I couldn't help it. I'm sorry LL. Can I make you another one maybe? Will that make up for my thievery?"

"Yes please, but only if you don't steal any more of them"

"Ok I promise I won't...I'll just make myself one too, then we both have one"

"Yes, that's a much better idea"

Tick Tock Tick Tock...

"LL come grab your hot cross bun, it's on the kitchen counter next to mine"

"Okay mom. Thank you"

Finish my morning musings while doing the dishes, turn around to finally eat my delicious hot cross bun that I've been salivating over the thought of for the last ten minutes while washing up...

The little blighter!

"LL you little scoundrel! Where's my hot cross bun gone?"

Faint giggling disappearing off into the distance as LL scampers away down the balcony stairs to escape my clutches.

Nicely played LL. Nicely played. I'm left smiling, having to slice a new hot cross bun for the toaster.

I got schooled by a 4 year old at my own game, she just did it with much better sneakery. Reminds me of someone I know.


No bunnies were harmed during the making of this post.

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