Florida School Shooting Sheriff Scott Israel & Kabbalah Brother Ira Israel IMDB Profile – Nikolas Jacob Cruz – Unique Decode

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As findings go on this page this next load have to be the most priceless of all, the irony holds no bounds as the usual people at the forefront of the event are either linked to actors or proven to be actors themselves. When will we see just one event that does not follow these common characteristics by the book? The truth is we wont, because this is how it happens, these are the people who play it all out. Step forward Sheriff Scott Israel and his screenplay writing brother who also has a masters degree in Kabbalah, and has “thriving careers, and mental and emotional wellness”. I wonder what a interests he could possibly have had in the Douglas High School incident? It don’t take a rocket scientist to work that one out with the media emphasis on gun control highlighting mental health issues around PR patsy Nikolas Jacob Cruz.

Disgraced Sheriff Scot Israel is at the center of a storm after four of his deputies refused to enter the building as the reported shooting was taking place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentines day.

Deputy Scott Peterson has been suspended without pay after he responded first to the incident and was seen to be holding back from trying to stop the attack taking place as he waited for back-up outside wasting vital seconds to save lives as the media version of events unfolded.

With reports of live CCTV cameras at the scene being rewound by 20 minutes only adds to suspicions of sabotage and more suggestions of the shooter being allowed to carry out the possibly staged attack.

Seeing Sheriff Scott Israel in the news so much with a name like that raised alarm bells with me so I decided to look into him a little, and rightly so. As the saying goes you can’t make this shit up and this backs up every claim of crisis actors and media links that have been reported by the alternative news and truth community at every event over the years. I understand it is just one of thousands of examples but they all back add up.

As I explained earlier Scott Israel is another example of somebody involved in a mass media event who has ties to actors or people with occult beliefs, Ira Israel ticks every box on that Zionist checklist with flying colours.

The fact Ira has such a pedigree with a Masters degree is Psychology means I am certain he will have a role to play in the narrative of mental health which news outlets are pushing not just in the States but here in the United Kingdom also.

Truth be told, the American government have been using staged events as a form of mind control to sway public perception which then leads to a calculated response from everyone who falls for the problem, reaction, solution trap that is set by the media. This then ensures the people will offer emotional consent to the law makers who want to move in the bulldozers on our privacy and human rights. These traitors to reality are at large and they are the most spineless people on earth.

Looking at Ira & Scott Israel as an example begs logic for belief.

Oh what a lovely tea party, here is a screenshot of Ira’s book cover which is published by New World Library.

Next we look at something strange I spotted which brought more findings.

Looking at a map of the area around the latest Florida false flag I can see EDC, ECD3 and/or ECD37 in the area to the left of Douglas High School, you may also notice it also says RED 33 with the C being a 3 in disguise. It is worth noting the number of people alleged to have been shot by Nikolas Jacob Cruz is 33. Red 33 on Valentines day?

EDC3 – EDC37 – Every Day Counts – Red 33

Electric Daisy Carnival, commonly known as EDC, is one of the biggest electronic dance music festivals in the world, based on attendance, with its flagship event held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada. Click here to visit EDC website.


Enhancer of mRNA-decapping protein 3 is aprotein that in humans is encoded by the EDC3 gene.

EDC3 is associated with an mRNA-decapping complex required for removal of the 5-prime cap from mRNA prior to its degradation from the 5-prime end (Fenger-Gron et al., 2005)

ECD3 is the 15th Gene in humans 15=6=33

EDC-37 is measured with embedded electromagnetic particle velocity gauges.

Like other high density HMX based explosives, EDC-37 initiates with wave profiles having a little increase in particle velocity at the shock front (heterogeneous initiation), and also a second wave which starts small at the impact surface, grows as it travels, and reaches a large amplitude when it overtakes the shock front (homogeneous initiation). This latter characteristic indicates a time delay between formation of hot spots and release of hot spot energy.

Nikolas Jacob Cruz is the latest person to be thrust into the limelight after one of these predictable media fiascos. Look at him, draped out in orange which seems to be the new black, we all know it is a code for 33 and he shot 33 people, typical. He is also in chains depicting the serpent and slavery in the same way we watched Theresa May parading about the place wearing chains around her neck in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire and Manchester Arena bombings last year.

There is more to all of this than meets the eye so we will start with the shooter himself Nik Cruz and I bet you can’t guess where we end up when we look into his name? Just kidding, you probably can,….

Nikolas means Devil whilst Jacob is a reference to Jacob’s Ladder from the Book of Jacob and Cruz translates to Cross, I don’t have to drop the Holy Cross hint but I will for good measure I like to show my working out.

That was pretty short and sweet for once so enjoy it because now I will explain how on earth I worked that one out…

Define Old Nick. Old Nick synonyms, Old Nick pronunciation, Old Nick translation, English dictionary definition of Old Nick. n. The Devil; Satan. n informal a jocular name for Satan n. the devil; Satan. Noun 1. Old Nick – chief spirit of evil and adversary of God

So to help you see how they play around with words as well as numbers let’s look at Satan who has been known as Old Nick in the United Kingdom for hundreds of years.

An anagram of Satan is Santa, as in Santa Claus.

Another name for Satan Is Lucius, Lucas is an anagram of Claus. Lucius is Lucas so Lucas is Claus meaning the Santa Claus translates to Satan Satan. You can look into the true meaning of Christmas and the story of Krampus to gain more information on Satan Lucius and his evil little helpers.

So when we get reports Nikolas running into a school on the Feast of Vali and allegedly shooting 17 (1+7=8=serpent or 44) people dead and his middle name Jacob is also biblical we just had to look into Cruz which unsurprisingly confirmed a three-pronged occult name with hidden meanings to them all.

Cruz is a surname of Iberian origin, first found in Castile, Spain, but later spread throughout the territories of the former Spanish and Portuguese Empires. In Spanish and Portuguese, the word means “cross”, either the Christian cross or the figure of transecting lines or ways.

Jacob’s Ladder (Hebrew: Sulam Yaakov סולם יעקב) is the colloquial name for a connection between the earth and heaven that the biblical Patriarch Jacob dreams about during his flight from his brother Esau, as described in the Book of Genesis. The significance of the dream has been somewhat debated, but most interpretations agree that it identified Jacob with the obligations and inheritance of the ethnic people chosen by God, as understood in Abrahamic religions. It has since been used as a symbolic reference in various other contexts.

Numbers in the Bible have significance. Seven, for example, is regarded as the number of spiritual perfection and of God. Thirteen is often associated with rebellion, bad luck and Satan. Six is particularly the number of man and his works but can be flipped to 9 which is then Satan’s number.

As usual when analysing these events we see tens if not hundreds of masonic codes secretly embedded to act as a hallmark from those who set up so-called attacks which fall on the same dates like clock work each year, call them adverts from the salesmen of the Devil.

Let’s look just how deep these codes can be found, if you search for answers you find more questions.

From and including: Friday, 14 December 2012 (Sandy Hook)

To, but not including Wednesday, 14 February 2018 (Parkland shootings).

Result: 1888 days

It is 1888 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date

Or 5 years, 2 (7) months excluding the end date

Alternative time units

1888 (666 88) days can be converted to one of these units:

163,123,200 seconds = 666 (1+6+3+1+2+3+2=18=3×6=666)

2,718,720 minutes = 666 (2+7+1+8+7+2=27=3×9=666)

45,312 hours = 96 94+4=9 3=1+2=6) 96 as above so below

1888 days = 25 = 7

269 weeks and 5 days

517.26% of a common year (365 days)

1888 in Roman Numerals


As of the start of 1888, the Gregorian calendar was 12 days ahead of the Julian calendar, which remained in localised use until 1923. In Germany, 1888 is known as the Year of the Three Emperors. Currently, it is the year that, when written in Roman numerals, has the most digits (13)

4 May 2013 – The bomb squad was called to Miami Dade College’s North campus after an armed man was fatally shot by police Saturday afternoon, police said. It is unclear whether or not the man shot at police.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, 5901 NW Pine Island Road, Parkland, FL 33076, USA to Miami Dade College North Campus, Westview, FL 33167, United States 44 mins 4.04 miles (44 44).

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