
Freedom was called out loudly by the Scottish leaders to the Pope, who had recognized the King of England as having rulership over the Scottish people and their land. So in standing up for themselves, and their country of Scottish inhabitants, on April 6, 1320, the Scottish leaders signed their Declaration of Arbroath. It implored the Pope to recognize Scotland as an Independent and separate country from England, as they, the Scottish, would never surrender their land and freedom to the English willingly. It was written in the Declaration that “ … never will we under any condition be brought under English rule. It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours, that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”

Freedom is the fundamental, innate right that all humans are born with, instinctively fight for, and many have died for. Isn’t it that respect for our fundamental freedom, that our governments are suppose to be protecting and supporting, that America represents and models to the world?

The Scottish people were not the first to speak of this fundamental freedom, while refusing to being lorded over by another nation, or abusive government that lies to them and steals their wealth. By time Thomas Jefferson wrote the American Declaration of Independence, the Unalienable Rights he wrote of was hardly a new concept. It had worn heavily on humans throughout the centuries, as their Unalienable Rights were not recognized, but abused, limited, and stolen from them.

The founders of America were well read on history, law, and philosophy. They, like many before them, understood the fundamental concept of Unalienable Rights. And so in their fight for American Independence they were actually fighting for having their, Unalienable rights protected by any future government that they would create. They would create a government that the people would control. They would create a government that would answer to the average person by protecting their natural rights, by supporting them in owning and controlling their own lives. The Government would not be allowed to lie to the People. There would be due process of law.

Our American Constitution was almost not ratified because of the strong fear Americans had of losing their freedom and their many Unalienable Rights over time, should they subject themselves to a strong central government. They feared a central government would get too big, and be too far away, for the average American to control or have an influence over. Americans had just been through a bloody war. They had real life experience of knowing that no government is honest without the People having the means to protect themselves against any government, while also having the means to carefully watch over their government. State governments were easily accessible to the People. A central government hundreds of miles away would be prohibitive to most Americans in trying to watch over it and control it, let alone be heard.

Without ratifying the Constitution, Americans only had their smaller state and local governments to watch over, which they had already established control over. They could easily oversee the work of state and local government officials, making sure that they were protecting the People’s best interests and freedoms. There is not one state constitution that does not recognize Unalienable Rights; as well as the People’s right of Jury Nullification in the courtroom where they can ignore laws that abuse and trespass on the People’s Unalienable Rights. Essentially, Jury Nullification gave the People the last word on any law that the legislative passed. The jurors could make any law useless and void of power, that they felt did not honor Unalienable Rights and other human applications simply by continuingly finding defendants accused of law not guilty. It was an easy fix that would correct any law that the legislatures passed that the People felt was stepping on their Unalienable Rights. The American People finally had control over their governments, why would they give it up to a central government?

After long discussions and debates, many about Unalienable Rights and whether to list them in the Federal Constitution or not, a deal was finally reached to ratified the Federal Constitution. The first task of Congress would be to add to the Constitution a Bill of Rights, the first Ten Amendments.

So how is your government doing on the: federal, state, county and local level in protecting your Unalienable Rights? How is your child’s school doing in teaching, deeply and in detail, the concept of Unalienable Rights? How many Unalienable Rights can you list; Or, were your teachers also not taught properly concerning what our freedoms are? Ignorance makes everyone easier to control and to steal from. If you don’t know what Unalienable Rights are, how do you know if the local police, the state police or federal agents are respecting them, and honoring your freedom or any official for that matter at any level?

Most Americans are afraid of their governments. The founders of America did not set it up that way. How did that come to be? Do you just do what you are told, while often being lied to; hoping your cooperation in giving up your rights will save you from injury from the government? How many people do that everyday which often leads them to situations of losing their basic rights to protect their securities, themselves, their family their assets, their privacy and their property?

How well have you been schooled in your Unalienable Rights? How well have the officials been schooled in their knowledge and understanding of the fundamental Unalienable Rights under which this country was founded? How many officials may understand them but because of most American’s ignorance of them, won’t honor your Unalienable Rights so they can get what they want or need from you?

Unalienable Rights at the time of the founding of America were known and acknowledged by all people and by all our governmental levels in order to protect private Americans from any form of government abuse. How much control do you have over your governments today? Or, do you jump through any hoop they demand without questioning, hoping your cooperation , in doing what you are told, will protect you from their power to lie to you, and their power to kill you, should stand up for your rights?

The American Founders knew that the two most important factors for the average person’s safety, wealth, and well being, in order to flourish against governmental abuse and from private abuse, was having security in their privacy and private property. With both of these being honored and supported by governments, they knew the People would prosper, and build family wealth. Without the government supporting and honoring the People’s privacy and private property, the People would remain vulnerable and weak, like they are today with the majority of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, one crisis away from becoming homeless, or two paychecks from wondering where their next meal is coming from. Is that any way for Americans to be living? And yet they do.

Without the government protecting the privacy and private property of the average person, the few prosper, while the many would live in fear of their government’s power and never build wealth. Do you live in fear of your government? Is that what America is modeling to the world? When you are celebrating on the Fourth of July, what exactly are you celebrating? Because all your freedoms that the government is suppose to protect, all your privacy the government is suppose to protect, all your private property the government is suppose to protect, and all your wealth, as an average American not the one percent, has already evaporated or soon will. And if you happen to still have a nest egg, still have family wealth to pass on to the next generation so each generation can stand on the shoulders of the one before, it won’t be long before its gone, because that is the new “American Way.”

If you live in fear of your government, on any level, and your government is not doing what it was created to do to protect your Unalienable Rights so you could build wealth and live as you wish while harming none, then you are not living in the America that our Founders created.

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