Kombucha SCOBY Hotel

SCOBY Monster... RAAAWR..


What's a SCOBY hotel?

Isn't it obvious? You know your SCOBYs are alive right? It's true! Look it up! Well, the hotel is the spot on your counter where your SCOBYs slime out of their jars at night while you're sleeping....

They can hang out, have a beer, bitch about you and hook up with other SCOBYs....... and now you know where SCOBY babies come from! It's those SCOBY whores, out lookin' to get some! If you're not careful you can have SCOBY's breeding like bunnies!


I kid! Really, it's just a jar you stuff your extra SCOBYs into. They do keep reproducing if they're healthy, I usually get a decent sized, peel-able baby every second brew, about every 15 days. These babies gotta go somewhere! You can compost them, make them into jerky treats or gummy candy, or you can put them in a hotel. It's nice to have extras ready to roll in case your SCOBY gets contaminated by bugs or mould.


All you need is a decent sized jar, usually a bit smaller than the one you brew in, depends on how many you wish to save. Then you just need some tea, just like you were going to brew, then instead of actually using the brew, you just let them sit in there and stew. For a lid I use a cloth with a rubber band around it, pretty simple.

I feed mine a cup or so of fresh brew tea every 3-4 months and it's held up just fine, the SCOBYs are quite happy in there.

If you do find mysterious slime marks across your counter though, don't say I didn't warn you!


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