Sci Fi "The arrival".

Location Trinidad and Tobago Northern Mountain Range.
Farmers have reported seeing strange lights, animals disappearing and animal mutilations. Specific parts of animals extracted. No blood at the scene. Crop circles show up. The ill equiped local military tracks unknown craft flying at phenomenal speed. US advisors are brought in to help investigate.

Sgt Connor leads a team of highly capable scientists and military people, Dr Erika Smith Physisist and Biologist, Professor Dan Miller acclaimed Technological expert, Wang Chu US Air Force Radar Operator, Henry Weller designation classified(It's rumoured he is CIA or some other 3 letter agency, some even say he is a "Man in Black).
They set up camp on the mountain range where the sightings were reported.
Serviceman Chu to Sgt Connor:- Sir I have word from the Pentagon, if we don't find anything soon they may recall us.
Sgt Connor responds:-God damn, I told them this is my project and I'm doing it my way. This is not some safari in Africa, we are hunting Aliens!
Chu:- um, hunting aliens?
Sgt:-Chu you know searching....
Chu:- oh ok sorry Sir. I almost thought you meant hunt as in kill.
Sgt:-Listen my philosophy is simple, this is our planet, we make the rules, if they come in peace that's good but if they come to abduct our people then that is a hostile act that cannot be tolerated.
Chu:-yes Sir, absolutely.
Dr Erika Smith:-well in Science it is normal to take specimens for experimentation, we shouldn't make them enemies before the first shot.
Sgt Connor:-Maybe if they abduct the Dr here and shove some tubes up her vagina maybe then she'l see it my way.
Dr Erika:- I didn't know they shoved tubes up your ass.
Red look on SGT Connors face.
Sgt Connor yelling:- who the hell do you think you're talking to!
Chu intervenes:- ok ok people let's not get heated.
Connor:-Im the US Army, I can leave you in the bush and let the critters eat you alive, you need me!
Erika:- I'm a Dr, if you get sick you will be begging me to treat you you arrogant
Chu intervenes again:- Ok ok stop it now people.
Erika:-yes but he..
Chu:-no come on now you were also playing with him
Connor:- I'm going to bed, wake me if ET decides to show up.
Chu:- Yes Sir. Good night Sir.
The Sgt disappears into his sizeable tent.
Chu to Dr Smith:- So Dr what is your plan for the ET.
Erika:- Really that is your idea of small talk lol. Look I'm here to investigate if the phenomenon the locals described is of natural Earthly origins or not. If it is in fact ET's my duty is to observe, document and investigate. I doubt ET will voluntarily lay down and let me take blood samples etc. lol.
Chu:-Yes that is unlikely lol. Well. I need to get to my radar screen to make sure it is running 100%.
Erika:- no problem. I think it's time for me to take a beauty sleep. Good night.
Chu:-Good night.

A local farmer is running down the mountain shouting and screaming.
Sgt Connor gets a hold of him
What is your problem, what is going on?!?
Local Farmer:- They are back, they are back!
SGT Connor:-Who is back?!?
The Local Farmer points his finger to the sky.
Chu to Connor:-Sir is he drunk?
Sgt Connor smells him:-No, but he smells like he just ran 100miles. He smells like fear.
Sgt Connor to Farmer:-Take us exactly to where you saw the Aliens.
Half a day's hike up the mountain through bush and mud, parrots in the sky and snakes on the ground, fruit trees and thorns plants. And they finally arrive at the location of the farmers sighting.
To be continued

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