Insulin can be taken without injection, scientists prepare these robotic capsules

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Diabetics have to take injection repeatedly to take insulin. In addition, the cancer of the cancer and other deadly diseases also needs to be taken in the injection. These medicines are made up of such large molecules that the patient's intestine is not digested. Because of this, for a long time, the scientist was trying to develop a way in which patients can get insulin-like medicines without injection. He has taken great success in this field.

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard have prepared a robotic capsule that can help insulin easily reach the patient's body. In this capsule, a small device named Turtle shell-shaped Soma is placed, inside which insulin or other medicines can be filled. After reaching the stomach, the medication present in Soma will be released in the body. After this the micro-device will come out of the body through the rectum.

Scientists say that the size of the tortoise shell was given so that it turned in the right direction after reaching the stomach and the medication could release without disturbance. At present, this device is being used on pigs and rats. In three years, its clinical trial will begin on humans. Scientists from other universities have also considered this device a big success.

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