Science Denier

Science denier. What a lovely catch phrase. It's all the rage by those who seem unwilling or incapable of going out and thinking for themselves or finding data that isn't presented to them by the media.

They just adhere to whatever they are told is "true" by the priestly order of authority. And anyone who doesn't accept the holy dictates is simply in denial, because whatever authority says is automatically true.

Especially the white lab coat priests of science.

Those who actually go find data that isn't talked about int he mainstream, by the media, by government, or anyone else who adheres to the narrative, are simply irrelevant.

Doing your own research is so pre-post-truth and uncool. Only idiots do that. Dangerous idiots. You gotta worship the white coated priestly authority to be smart.


The phrases uttered by those who still listen to their common sense, such as, “do your own research” has, to the science worshipper, become the mantra of the imbecile, the moron who doesn’t trust the “Science God” to tell them what is real and what is not real.

Since science can now be created, and justified, merely through the word of a handful of authoritative figures, then the belief in it (since the new science does not have to be justified through experimentation, documentation, and debate amongst scientists) is then superstition.

That says it well. It's all a religious mindset now, a cult. People are living in a cult mindset and can't even see how brainwashed they are.

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