Incredible! Words that cause a mutagenic effect of monstrous power!

Scientists came to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech and human thoughts.

Any spoken word is nothing more than a wave genetic program that can greatly change your whole life. In other words, with whom a man will be led, on that he will eventually get hereditary programs.

These hereditary molecules get acoustic information when we just talk or hear someone's conversations. DNA also perceives light information when we silently read or look at something. In this case, one conversation or text heals, and the other - it traumatizes.

Academician of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, member of the New York Academy of Sciences PP. Garyaev believes that with the help of verbal thought forms a person creates his own genetic apparatus.

It turns out that prayer words awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus. Through the prayers of many saints, hopelessly ill patients were healed. The blessing of the saints extended over several generations.

And the curse destroys the wave programs , which means it disrupts the normal development of the body. Zombies, slanders, maternal curses, capable of depriving a person of will, health, and even life itself, have the word as their main tool.

And now the main conclusion of scientists: wave genetics argue that the genetic apparatus of man is not indifferent to what his master thinks, listens or reads. For any information can be imprinted in the so-called wave gene.

In this case, the DNA device is not able to make out who is receiving the information from you, whether it's a live interlocutor or a TV screen. DNA molecules can exchange this information with the help of acoustic and electromagnetic waves.

But the most striking thing is that in their experiments, scientists called in words many "miracles", or genetic effects. Scientists have created an apparatus that translates human words into electromagnetic oscillations, capable of influencing the molecules of heredity - DNA.

And it turned out that some words cause a mutagenic effect of monstrous power.

Rare and torn chromosomes, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to produce unnatural programs that are replicated by the organism that transmits the offspring of the self-destruction program. According to experts, these strange words caused a mutagenic effect, similar to that of radioactive irradiation with a capacity of 30 thousand x-rays!

It's frightening to even think what would happen to a person after such verbal processing, if 50 X-rays are considered a lethal dose for him.

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