Can You Survive in Space Without a Spacesuit ?

Science fiction movies and space adventures are among the most important sources to help you create a picture of the universe and relate it to science, sometimes events may be based on scientific facts, but they may be based on the imagination of the writer at other times. The most important of these events is the departure of astronauts without their allowances and exposure to low pressure in outer space, what can happen to them?

Some believe they will explode because of the internal pressure of the body from external pressure or they will freeze immediately or even die of high body temperature. Come and see what really happens to our bodies in space without a suit!

  • Is it possible to freeze in space?

Modern Hollywood movies show astronauts freeze instantaneously if they go into space without their paraphernalia or if there is a slit in the vehicle, one character in a film explained that the reason for this is the low temperature in space, which is -273 the "absolute zero" that all particles are motionless.
You can not measure the temperature of space, space is a vacuum, and you will not be able to measure the temperature of the vacuum. The particles in space are relatively few to have an effect on heat transfer that requires two objects to move. Space is also a good barrier, since vacuum is the secret behind the work of heat-insulated vessels, so it makes sense to keep the temperature as it is or to increase.

  • Will the blood boil?

When the pressure drops, the boiling point decreases. For example, the boiling point of water drops from 100 degrees Celsius to 46 degrees Celsius when external pressure drops to zero and blood pressure is 75 millimeters of mercury (normal blood pressure). However, this condition does not apply to blood for a simple reason, which is that the blood is in the human body in a closed circle in the blood vessels of the circulatory system, leaving blood under relatively high pressure. If the pressure drops and the temperature of the body (37 C), the blood will not boil unless the body temperature exceeds 40, and if this happens do not worry because the death had occurred before boiling!

  • Do objects explode in space?

Many believe that the bodies of astronauts explode if they go into space without their suits or if there is a problem with the suit itself, they explain that the pressure in the human body is higher than in space, causing their bodies to bulge and burst like balloons in the upper atmosphere. This does not happen, of course, because the tissues of the human body are solid so that they do not rupture easily so the body does not explode if the internal pressure rises from the outside.

  • So what happens?

In 1950s and 1960s, NASA and the US Air Force carried out research on survival under low pressure, the result was that humans would remain conscious for 10 to 15 seconds and could survive for 90 seconds with minor damage and effects. Is the result.
A person loses consciousness 15 seconds after leaving the space without adequate protection due to Hypoxia, holding air in the lungs will not be a solution in space because the air will expand and rupture the lungs, a person won't survive two minutes later because death will be the result of suffocation or low pressure effects. Gaseous bubbles will form in the eyes, mouth and skin tissues. When someone escaped low pressure because of a break in his 1965 suit, the last thing he remembered before he was unconscious after 14 seconds was boiling the saliva on his tongue before losing consciousness.

  • Watch this video about the position from Sci show:

Now do you think that going up to space deserves this risk? Do you ever wish to travel through the stars?
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