My favorite Alien Scientist, makes the case for the Moon over Mars.

I've been a "Follower" of Jeremy Rys for many years. Jeremy is a physicist, researcher and media producer who runs the website as well as the popular Youtube channel that puts forth a rational approach to Fringe Science, Aliens, and Conspiracy Theories.

Take a listen to one of his recent videos on the future of NASA projects, the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

Published on May 27, 2017

Donald Trump has decided to push NASA towards a manned mission to
Mars, seemingly unaware of the looming lunar potential of 3D printing
a moon colony that could one day become a $Trillion Dollar
construction and mining company where all the work is done by robots
or droids being run by automation or human remote control. Once the
technology is perfected on the moon, it can be exported to other moons
and planets. This is the next big future step. Get involved and
educated about this, because jobs that don't even exist yet are coming
very soon.

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