Get rich by predicting the future... no really, it's all in a published paper

So I don't know if you are interested in this stuff, stuff which is mostly related to precognition, telepathy, psychokinesis...

I was (and still am) skeptical of these kinds of claims, and no doubt, there are a lot of false claims in this area.

However, some days ago I stumbled on this paper "Stock Market Prediction Using Associative Remote Viewing by Inexperienced Remote Viewers". Pretty hefty title, right?

It turns out that it's quite interesting. And to make it more credible it was conducted at the University of Colorado in Boulder. So it's not some shaky claim being made, but it's backed up by some serious research (which of course, still has to be looked at critically).

To sum the paper up, a group of people managed to predict the stock market swings in 10 out of 10 cases. Yes... that would be 10/10. That raised my eyebrows. Normally in these kinds of experiments a much lower success rate is established. But here 10 out of 10.

The way they did this was to average out the mistakes. This means that if 4 out of the 6 people's predictions were off, there were still 6 who got it right, which in turn resulted in a successful prediction.

So how does this work? It's called associative remote viewing. It's a technique originally thought up by Russel Targ and his team and describes a certain way of setting up a PSI experiment. I encourage you to research more about it. To briefly summarize it, people try to predict an image which is attached to the stock market flow. For example, if the stock market rises in the future, it is connected with a certain image (which has been chosen in advance) and people try to predict this image through remote viewing. If on average the group of people decide that the sketch of the remote viewing for that event correlates with the image which is attached to the rise of the stock market, then the advise would be to buy some stocks. Here is an image which shows the sketch for the image in question:

The really interesting part here is that PSI is used not just as an experiment to research more about whether it's real or not, but to instrumentalize it. Therefore the debate of whether PSI exists or not is shifted to the physical realm. If you can make money with PSI it doesn't really matter anymore if your critics say it's not possible because you will be enjoying that cocktail at the beach while reading through their critique.

This same technique should also in theory be usable for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin or steem. Will you try it out?

Have a look at the paper:

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