Deep Under Lake Erie: Project WATCHMAN

Deep below Lake Erie there is a sprawling complex covering a vast area and large enough in some parts to contain 4 sortie structures. This complex is located at the Morton/Fairport salt mine on the southern shore of Lake Erie (Fairport Harbor) in the United States.

The mine is buried at a depth of 2800 feet with a foot print of nearly 20 miles under the lake and maintains a temperature of about 74 degrees year round. The complex has existed for many years and is well know to some extent. Its purpose; as a Salt mine is still in use to this day and will be for the foreseeable future. The natural resource found under lake Erie contains about 10,000 years of salt and is one of the worlds largest salt deposits ever discovered.

So what makes this interesting you may be asking, other than it’s enormous size?

It also contains and array of scientific devices that work with the biggest mysteries of nature in the field of “Particle Physics”. This array that has been located there for the past 25 years; is known as the ~ “Irvine–Michigan–Brookhaven (detector)”, and has been under a major upgrade for years now and with a very new mission.~

(Entering detector area)

This complex array of devices under Lake Erie know as “Anti-Neutrino detectors”. These obscure yet massive devices are some of the most extraordinary types of technology we have today working with this ground breaking area of science

. The type of technology used for detection is know as a “Water Cherenkov Monitoring” tank.

These massive tanks holds 10,000 metric tons of gadolinium doped Water that facilitates the detection of neutron captures. It uses a quasi-elastic anti-neutrino-proton scattering technology, and a technique commonly called; the inverse beta decay (IBD) reaction for its core detection capabilities.

The Anti-neutrino has since its discovery been a mystery to scientist due to the way it functions, especially the way it interacts with physical matter.
Anti-neutrino's, when traveling move in such a way that they seem not to slow or be impeded by matter in any way at all. In other words an anti-neutrino coming in from space would hit earth; and without changing speed or direction pass unimpeded right though and out the other side as if there was nothing in the way.
(ghost particle)

And why is this type of device important to the common person you may be asking?

At the beginning these devices were originally just used to give scientist an edge on this incredible phenomenon, but now they have a new task and importances that will allow the worlds super power's to divert international nuclear conflicts.

Since shortly after the inception of nuclear weapons there has been a massive move world wide to stop and manage the creation of nuclear weapons. This is processes is know as “Nuclear Nonproliferation”, a seemingly; near impossible thing to achieve. Until Now.

These new type of detectors will play an integral role in maintaining this capability world wide buy giving countries that posses this type of technology the ability to know for sure if another country is developing or maintaining illegal nuclear projects or weapons.

In the past we have all seen were the UN was not given access or was deceived by rogue nations to do inspections on suspected nuclear facilities, leading to the continued undetected illegal operations. These new type of detectors will give the world the ability to see and know if a nation is acting outside of its agreed course of actions.

As was stated earlier this is due to the ability of the neutrino to pass through any type of known matter meaning that there is no known way to shield or keep them from being detected by a group that possesses a detector; anywhere in the world. When a nation works with nuclear material there are neutrino's emitted from this process and with the right technology it can be measured and detected by a foreign entity. These detectors are not a new advancement to particle physics; the new advanced feature is the way in witch they will be deployed world wide and the different types of technology that will be combined with them to create a new detection process. (joint-multiple facilities worldwide)

This new initiative is know as “Project WATCHMAN” and is in the testing and developmental phase under Lake Erie right now.! Working with another type of technology know as “MARS” and many others; it will give the world its first real way to peer into the enemies ability to work with dangerous and destabilizing materials, even if its 5,000 feet below the surface or more. This kind of technology under development, once fully deployed in multiple parts of the world could provide remote near-real-time information about reactor existence and operational status for small operating nuclear reactors out to distances of many hundreds of kilometers.

~ There will be no way to hide there nefarious actions anymore. ~

WATCHMAN (WATer CHerenkov Monitor for Anti Neutrinos)

Many more images of the mine under Lake Erie :

Official document for this facility and technology

Original Watchman

*updated Watchman (in-depth)

Remote reactor monitor*


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