Explore the Salt Pond in Ratchaburi Province


Distance from Bangkok to Ratchaburi approximately 100 km, we use a rent car. There is something unique in this province when we look at the main roadside.

There is a stretch of salt pool scattered so far out of sight. Finally, we decided to park the car at the edge of the salt pool.

The blazing sunshine has tired us out when we walk among the salt ponds in the province of Ratchaburi - Thailand. We spent the rest of the trip when we had traveled to some popular places in Bangkok.

In addition, there are also several buildings, which serve as a salt storage shed, and some container trucks parked beside it.


Salt ponds overlay in Ratchaburi Province

Because we made this trip as a regular tour, so we don't choose to make further observations against the salt type here, we prefer to enjoy the place directly. Because the salt-making system in this place has a difference compared with the salt production method in my residence, Aceh.

As you can see in the picture above, it's a salt pond that is almost ready for harvest.

The salt seeds in the pond have not been fully crystallized, it will take several months until the farmers can harvest the clean salt.

The color of salt here is so white and has a strong salty taste. No wonder, if some other countries import salt from here. Indonesia's statistical data noted there are more than 3 million tons of salt produced by Thailand per year. Apart from the quantity aspect, Thailand salt also has good quality.


Salt grinding machine

When salt is ready for harvest, the crystallized salt is still stony and hard. This machine, which we expect to be made by the farmers, will be used to destroy the salt that is still in the pond before they finally bring it into the warehouse.

This machine is like a garden car, but it does not have a rubber tire, only using a rounded piece of wood. To grind salt layers.


This is a clean salt barn

We were allowed in by a salt farmer to his warehouse, to see first hand the tons of salt that are ready for sale. He said, no more 2 days there is a truck that will take the salt from his warehouse.

I salute for the cleanliness of this warehouse. The white color of salt is so shiny


So much salt!

So when I walked over the pool bund, Salt sands are forced to be trampled. But take it easy, the salt on the bund is not taken for consumption.

I like the thread filter technology system they use as a way to get salt. In Aceh, salt farmers still cook salt by burning charcoal. I was thinking, what is the way salt farmers do in Ratchaburi can also be applied in Aceh?

@curiesea, one who understands about salt farming once responded, that the sunshine in Aceh is still less heat to support the way of salt cultivation if using thread filter technology system.

Traditional salt has an average of 85-87 percent NaCl, cloudy with high water content. Salt will be considered excellent if it contains NaCl> 95%. But the main thing is that the salt content above 95%.


Distance from Bangkok to Ratchaburi Province

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Original Post | Photo taken with: Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime | February 2018

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