Solar power production : International Solar Alliance

We all suffering from lack of energy. Electricity and transportation is core part of our life. Even if I am writing this post this is possible due to electrical energy. Many of the countries of the world are struggling to achieve energy. They have not sufficient energy that they must have required. Today world developed countries also looking towards the renewable energy. Coal, Gas, Nuclear matters and Oil are limited. These resources will end because of heavily usability. The second region behind that is Global Warming. These resources are the cause of pollution. When this fuel energy burns they emit Green House gases and Co2.

So today the world is moving towards renewable energy sources. In this renewable energy source, Solar Power is one of the most effective ways to generate energy. Solar power is a very effective way to generate energy.

Thomas Alva Edison Said-

“I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.”

International Solar Alliance-

The International Solar Alliance is an alliance of almost 121 countries which lies between Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer. International Solar Alliance is founded in France Paris. Starting and born of this alliance is done by India and France. Head of this Alliance is H.E. Upendra Tripathy. Headquarters of this Alliance is Gurugram, India.

Mission and Vision-

There are many countries are located between Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer. These countries abundant quantity of sunlight over the year. Most of the countries have large agrarian population. These countries have need of energy. Many of these countries face the gaps in manufacturing solar energy ecosystem. The absence of Universal energy access, equity and accessibility are a common problem to these Solar resource-rich countries. ISA is made to achieve and tackle these problems.

List Of ISA framework Signed countries.-

Currently 61 countires signed this agreements.


Countries who have signed and ratified the ISA framework-

Currently 33 countires signed and retified agreement.


ISA Activities and Helps provided to member Countries-

  • Collaboration in research, development, demonstration, Knowledge sharing, Supporting technology, Creating Networks.

  • Acquisition, diffusion and Indigenization and absorption of technology.

  • Create experts group for support and development of standards.

  • Reduce cost of production of Solar energy.

Solar energy is a one-time investment but it is still very costly. Maybe it is easy to buy in developed countries because per capita income is high but in small and Developing and Undeveloped countries have a great problem with setup cost. Solar Plates are made of two matter.

  • Silicon
  • Silver

Silicon is abundant on earth. Silver is very costly and not enough as silicon. Also storing of energy is a very big problem. This increase the cost of solar energy grid or panel setup.

What is India?

India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. Energy problem in India is measure wide problem. India imports oil and fuel from Arab and its neighbor countries. Indian government trying to increase the use of Solar Power.

  • Indian government targeted to produce 20 GW energy with solar before 2022. But it is achieved. Now the goal is 100 GW before 2022.

  • Diu is one of the smallest Union territories in India which is fully depend on Solar power electricity now.

  • World largest Solar Park is setup in Karnataka India.

  • World First Solar train Started.

  • Gujarat province district Surat all primary health center is 100% solar powered now.

  • Manwal Station is fully solar powered railway staion.

  • Cochin is fully solar powered Airport.

Solar Power alliance is very looking for a very effective alliance as in future. Now there are some countries who are outside of tropic of cancer and Capricorn wants to be part of this alliance. In future maybe can see those also.


  • Image Sources

  • Content sources-

Baudhik Prakashan Book for Environment and Science for UPPSC and UPSC.

Official Website of International Solar Alliance :

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