Intuition and Psychic Abilities

(I apologize for not posting regularly, been having some difficulties at home/with the computer but I think I have everything resolved so you guys should be expecting a lot more from me :)



I'm personally not too fond of the word "psychic". But because everybody has a general definition of the word, I use it.

Some people think psychics are these people who look into crystal balls and read tarot cards & palms. Some people think they're just rip-offs. Others think psychics are people born with a gift of talking to spirits... and this is technically all true. But see, everyone in the world is "psychic".

Being psychic simply means using your intuition - an ability we're all born with but not many use it in this day and age (however, I would argue that this is finally changing). I'm sure at one point in your life you've experienced a "coincidence". Maybe you're walking to your car singing a song and when you get in that song is playing on the radio. Or maybe you thought of someone and they called you - these really are not coincidences. I don't think anything in this world is a coincidence, really.

  • Coincidence: A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection

I think everything is connected in some way shape or form. And when those types of "coincidences" happen to you, you were using your intuition. Your intuition is also that little voice in your head that says you should or shouldn't do something.

Using Your Intuition

As I said before, we all have intuition but it's not used by a majority of the world's population. Mainly because people are so disconnected from their consciousness... they aren't aware - and that's not their fault. But just because everyone has this ability, doesn't mean everyone is on the same level. It's the same thing as any other skill you can acquire during this lifetime. Some people are born naturally artistic. Can I draw? Not to save my fucking life. But could I learn? Sure!
My Steemit Pic.jpg
(Actual picture I drew right before I posted this article)

I am very grateful to say intuition is one of my gifts. I've had a very heightened extrasensory perception since I was 3 years old. So the "coincidences" I mentioned before are part of my everyday life. I'm still not at the level where I want to be, but I am working on it and getting better at it every day. And so can you.

Sadly, anybody who is narrowminded enough to acknowledge these powers and deem them as "fake", will never expand their potential. They could be extremely "psychic" themselves but closing off that part of their mind will work directly against them... you can even lose these abilities. Technically they wouldn't be completely gone, but it can become extremely rare for you to use them naturally.

Different Types of Psychics

No artist is the same. No human is. We are very complex creatures and so are our abilities. Some people like to research and develop their intuition through scientific studies. A lot of psychology. Others are very spiritual with it. Those would be the people advertising their Palm Readings with a sign outside of their house.

SIDE NOTE: In the world of psychics who work from home, there are also different types of those. You have people who are not intuitive and completely scam you. And then you also have people who are ARE intuitive but they just want your money (I've seen one of them before). But if you are going to see a psychic, do your research. Because there are those who work from home that are very gifted and want to help you, they just have to make a living too.

I would find myself in-between but more on the spiritual side. Using crystals and cards are all just helpful tools. And in additon to the level of intuiton you develop at a young age, what you're specifically gifted at also varies. Let me explain:

There are many different levels and specific actions you can perform with your abilties. You're not going to be great at all aspects but like I said, you can practice in whichever area and also master that. Different abilities include:

  • Clairvoyance
  • Clairaudience
  • Mediumship
  • Psychokinetics
  • Precognition
  • Divination
  • Lucid Dreaming/Astral Projection
  • Telepathy

And many, many more!

Ths is a quote from an article I read on "Psychic ability is not different than intuition. It is merely the intuitive faculty that has been paid attention to, developed, and honed. It is directed and conscious use of intuition. Psychic ability appears supernatural because so few people choose to consciously refine and actively use their intuition. Anyone can work to develop their psychic abilities, although some people are naturally gifted in this way, just like others are natural musicians, or athletes". ( Source )

In Conclusion

Whether your senses are heightened or not, you have the ability to master every psychic power if you choose. Not everyone is interested in becoming that immersed in that type of lifestyle. But if you want to start using your skills just a little bit, start recognizing these "coincidences". The more you consciously pay attention to when they happen and make a note to yourself, the more you'll realize it naturally and the more frequent it will become, thus becoming stronger.

Love & Light
~Steem Spirit

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