On the Ostensible Death of Stephen Hawking

[Originally posted as a reply to another article regarding Hawking's death, but deleted out of respect to the original poster.]

There have been some very heartfelt responses to the news of of Stephen Hawking's earthly departure; however, and with all due respect, it is recommended one exercise caution with regards to the entity known as S. Hawking. In less-mainstream, but nonetheless credible scientific circles, Hawking's work has been largely debunked and it is apparent he - at the behest of his handlers - spread quite a bit of disinformation on a multitude of fronts. There have been numerous articles published on Steemit pertaining to the Stephen Hawking "hoax" which deserve at least some consideration.

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P. Kammerer

This writer has taken a keen interest in the Quantum world since his teenage years and has come to understand Hawking's function as a puppet of the ruling elite was to push a largely-false narrative for the purpose of steering humanity off-course from discovering its true origins in the Cosmos. Hawking's relentless harping about a supposed "extraterrestrial threat," among other fear-based scientific propaganda, is disingenuous and highly suspect. Some might argue Hawking's work has done little to benefit humanity, but rather to perpetuate an unsustainable status-quo and keep people largely uninformed via the dissemination of spurious "facts" and partial disclosures.


N. Tesla

If this is in fact the case, we should ask ourselves who benefits from the masses remaining ignorant to certain Cosmic truths and a widespread belief in a largely atheistic version of Creation? Are there alternative science-based theories that are more humane and equally plausible? Why did the establishment assassinate Tesla, Schauberger, Kammerer and others, but prop up Hawking?

The realization that one's heroes (albeit self-imposed by the mainstream), e.g. Hawking, serve a not-so-benevolent social/political/religious agenda might come as a shock and engender a great deal of insecurity within the individual with respect to the beliefs she has long held to be true. Subsequent anger might ensue, but in the end, a greater sense of peace is attained in light of a realization she has taken back power over her own mind.

With Respect...


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