Is Science Unstable?If unstable we should not believe in science? Or is the belief and confidence of people towards science?


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If science was unstable, it would have been unreasonable to have confidence in science, but in the office of the court the standard of proof would not be taken. We all know that the theory of science is the most prevalent of the theory of science.

Because the evidence of science is real. And every theory of science is tested. The theory of science has been examined by different types of people in different places of the world. That is, the theory of science has been examined and it has been verified that the evidence of science in the court is given to everyone.
It is understandable that people who believe in science are stagnant to believe in science, they do these things without considering these things.
Now the question is that despite the fact that science is changing, why does people consider science as the best way to prove?
The answer to this question is very simple, which is not understandable for many.
It is true of the fact that science is changing. The claims of science thesis are also up-to-date, refined and refined. Today, the science demand is changed in a particular way. And that is the information proof. Whenever there is any error in science or any part of the theory of science theorists, they immediately correct the mistake. That is, science constantly purifies itself. That's why people have placed science in the highest position.

Why is it suitable as the standard of evidence when the science changes?
Because science always decides on the basis of evidence. Many types of hypothesis (which we commonly call the hypothesis called hypervisor) or different types of science are examined. If it is proved to be false based on evidence, then he can reject hypothesis or science. Again, the hypothesis, which is proven to be true, is based on the evidence of the evidence and through many experiments and tests. That is, scientific theories are proven true concepts or proven true hypothesis.

Now, a part of a theory that is wrong is a proof (not to have a complete theory), the wrong part of that theory is corrected through various evidence and testing experiments. This is the science that identifies its errors and then it is amended by examining it. This is the reason that science is the criterion for determining the truth. Science is considered as a measure of evidence because science itself purifies itself.

Then what science is changing? Scientists constantly change their demands. How to believe in science? As science once claimed that the sun, moon and the moon, they move around the earth. Again, instead of claiming science, new demands made the sun moon and stars not turn around the globe. Rather, the earth revolves around the sun and remains firm in the sun center. But at the end, again the claim is that the sun does not stay fixed. If the demands of science are changed all the time, then science itself can not have any particular conclusions if it is not convincing to believe in science?

First, it is unreasonable to judge modern science with ancient science. Because the words of the people of ancient times were not proven like current scientific demands. But depending on some of the information, they take decisions. But the modern science theories are widely tested and tested through observation. So the theories of the current are not usually wrong. However, sometimes the parts of the theory have some limitations or errors. And those parts are amended to amend the information on the basis of evidence. And it can not be said that modern science theories are completely changed.

Just as when people came to the conclusion that the sun around the globe turned around, it was the doctrine given by some people of ancient times. That was not science but. Or modern science was not the same. Because there was no medium to prove like modern science. But modern science has verified every claim gradually through examination.

That is why it is unreasonable to compare the concept of the world-centric world with the proven error of modern science as being proved wrong.

Again, medieval solar-centric solar systems were not widely tested as modern science. It was not possible for humans to know that the sun was moving around the galaxy, just like the rotation of the planets along the earth around the Sun. Because the sun that is rotating around our galaxy, people do not understand or see the technology. At that time people did not keep the idea of ​​galaxy.

This is the first time that scientists claimed that the sun remained firm and the other planets, including the Earth around the Sun, turned the whole theory but did not change. Only those parts of this solar-centric solar system have been modified that the parts were restricted or were wrong. But the part that was correct, such as the Earth and other planetary satellites, turned around the Sun but it did not change. As it was correct, those parts remained unchanged. That is the main reason for the science of faith.

Note that the idea or model of the sun-centric solar system was given by the scientists but it has not been proved false. In fact, there was a great deal of evidence for it. But since there was no evidence or new idea about the rotation of the sun, there was no demand for the sun's rotation. This is the reason for the faithfulness of science. The same claims as to which science gets the evidence. Whenever science has come to know that the sun is also dynamic, it has revised the decision. It has been based on evidence of evidence.

Now, if someone claims that science completely changes its theories or science completely changes its demands, then this claim is made from its ignorance. Science never changed its claim completely. They did not change those theories of science (hypothesis), and did not change them. In the case of solar models, science claimed that the Earth and other planets were rotating around the sun. Science did not change that claim. Four-and-a-half years ago, science has said that the world revolves around the sun, and still says the world is moving around the sun. And it will not change until the world really turns around the sun. Nowadays, if the world does not turn around the sun, it stays fixed and then if the scientists say that the earth does not rotate. And if a man claims that science has changed his claim then science can not be trusted;

The demand of science never changes. As long as the scientists have claimed that they do not turn around the sun around the Earth, the world is still around the sun, its claim remains unchanged even today. And as long as the world revolves around the sun, the claim of science remains unchanged. Because science works on evidence basis Based on the demand for reality. That's why the theory of science never changes. However, if any part of the theory is proved wrong then that wrong part is changed.

For example, the theory of gravitation theory. Did Newton give the concept of this gravitational force to the Great Wise Man like Newton, because science gave it the truth? Newton was a great scholar, because he gave the gravitational hypothesis the theory of the theory of science? Those who have minimal knowledge about science also know that gravitation hypothesis has been given the status of Thuiri because it has found thousands of proofs. It is a theory that the gravitational theory has been proved through various experiments. Now if it is seen anywhere in the universe that the gravitational force is not working, and if it is said that there is no gravitational force, then will there be a lack of loyalty on science? Not at all. But as long as there is a gravitational force, this theory remains unchanged. Because the gravitational force is a proven factual truth. So science has given the concept of gravitational force to be a science thief.

Again, many claims of Newton's gravitational formula or motion do not work in the Big Bang singularity or the Black Hole. So what does the Newton's gravitational formula or motion of errors? Not at all. Answers to those questions that can not be explained by Newton's thesaurus or the Thyris So Newton's claims are wrong? Not at all. Rather, the truth is where it is applicable. For example, if we work only with the inner parts of our solar system, such as the Earth, the Moon, the Sun or the Star, but the sun is still fixed or dynamic. We can do these calculations very well by keeping the sun fixed. That is, the sun is held steady. But when we are in the world as our galaxy, I will consider the moon-stars and the sun, but the sun will not stand still. Rather, the sun has to be dynamic too. But the claim that the earth is centered around the sun and the sun remains fixed in relation to the earth, the claim does not lie. Before the sun stood before the earth, it still remains. So there is no basis for this change in science. Rather, the things that science proves are never changed. This claim is still unchanged as the gravitational force was earlier claimed in science. That is, science never changes, but some of the limitations of science have been corrected. Are still still So there is no basis for this change in science. Rather, the things that science proves are never changed. This claim is still unchanged as the gravitational force was earlier claimed in science. That is, science never changes, but some of the limitations of science have been corrected. Are still still So there is no basis for this change in science. Rather, the things that science proves are never changed. This claim is still unchanged as the gravitational force was earlier claimed in science. That is, science never changes, but some of the limitations of science have been corrected.
That's why people take the true measure of science. There is no other place in the world as the standard of truth on the science. Whether it is in any office or in any court

Because science remains on the truth, man believes in science. Since science is based on the truth, we are most confident of science.


On the other hand , the scientist claims that evolution is changing the science, and the science constantly changes, so science can not be trusted. Rather, since the religions or scriptures remain unchanged from the beginning, the scriptures must be believed. Science can not be trusted than scripture.

In fact, the believer believes in their beliefs as blind as the truth of their beliefs. In reality, there are various types of misconceptions in the scriptures. All the scriptures in the world have many unscientific talks that prove false to those scriptures. When the truth of science proves false to the scriptures, the axiom makes these unreasonable claims to survive their blind faith. Their claims are completely false because it is the most reliable because of science changing. According to the claims of the believers, science can not be believed to be variable because this claim has no basis. Rather, by denying their claims, office courts of all countries of the world see science as the most trustworthy and trustworthy. And the court's functions depend on the basis of evidence of science. So we can see in daily life science is the most trusted. Such as computers, the Internet, and the technologies prove the credibility of science. Science is the most reliable and trustworthy medium in the world, the most appropriate evidence is the medical science. Today 30-40 years ago, the diseases of which no medical, religious texts and the creators of those religions could not be treated jointly, they were able to treat them due to advanced medical science emergence. That's why people are most confident on science. Any religion, scriptures and all creatures in the world can do the medical science that can not treat the diseases. It is not possible to treat any diseases that can not be cured of any disease of any religion in the world and for any creator. So science on everything is the faithful and trustworthy truth. The Internet and the technologies prove the credibility of science. Science is the most reliable and trustworthy medium in the world, the most appropriate evidence is the medical science. Today 30-40 years ago, the diseases of which no medical, religious texts and the creators of those religions could not be treated jointly, they were able to treat them due to advanced medical science emergence. That's why people are most confident on science. Any religion, scriptures and all creatures in the world can do the medical science that can not treat the diseases. It is not possible to treat any diseases that can not be cured of any disease of any religion in the world and for any creator. So science on everything is the faithful and trustworthy truth. The Internet and the technologies prove the credibility of science. Science is the most reliable and trustworthy medium in the world, the most appropriate evidence is the medical science. Today 30-40 years ago, the diseases of which no medical, religious texts and the creators of those religions could not be treated jointly, they were able to treat them due to advanced medical science emergence. That's why people are most confident on science. Any religion, scriptures and all creatures in the world can do the medical science that can not treat the diseases. It is not possible to treat any diseases that can not be cured of any disease of any religion in the world and for any creator. So science on everything is the faithful and trustworthy truth. The scriptures and all the creatures that do not treat the diseases can do medical science. It is not possible to treat any diseases that can not be cured of any disease of any religion in the world and for any creator. So science on everything is the faithful and trustworthy truth.

Evolution is a test of the subject. So, as the theists say, science can not be trusted because science is changing, these claims are completely false and misleading. Rather, science continues to prove that science is the most trustworthy of the world. Science has to be placed on top of all. Science is the only place after nature. Not up to date

Theories of science are changed to be more true. There is no misunderstanding in science that the science of science is changed in the wrong way. There is nothing in the world that can not catch its mistakes, and it will come out of the wrong way. Religions are totally dependent on superstition. On the other hand, science is a reliable and reliable medium on the basis of evidence.

The world's old and proven ideas are just as true, and there is no change in the ideas which have given the status of the truth on the basis of scientific evidence (ie the status of Thuir). The gravitational force is a proven subject of science so there is no change in it. There are gravity balls in nature. In the same way the universe has been created through the Big Bang, it is a proven issue. And so the superior theory from the Big Bang will not prove false to the truth of the Big Bang. Such as the Great Thanhie Infusion Theory and Sting Theory (it has not yet gained thirteen status) from the Big Bang, it is still given the status of hypothesis because it has not been proven.) These two theories have also circulated in the Big Bank. This is a proven subject because the universe that created our universe through the Big Bang. If Big Bang Theory (not the Big Bang, but the Big Bang Theory) is proven false even though the big in nature Through the Bank, our universe has been created and will not be proved false. For example, the Infusion Theory says that the first phase was formed and then the Big Bang happened. That is, new and improved theories have come but the nature of the big bang has not been denied in nature.

Suppose that the Big Bang Theory was discovered to be true, that the universe is rampant. From this, the origin of the idea of ​​Big Bang Now it is seen that there was no big bang in the nature (I talked about it because we did not see it in the Big Bank), would we say that the universe is not rampant? Not at all. Because people have seen in their own eyes (through evidence of the evidence) the universe is expanding.

Theories of science work on the basis of evidence. Whenever any information comes forward to see the science, After testing, it gives the judgment of the theory or the truth. So the science-changing term is not completely true. Because science does not change any claim overnight. The proof of this is given above. Einstein's theory of relativity has given birth to new ideas for science. But it did not prove the previous ideas wrong. Because we know that Einstein's Theory works for a particular situation (such as in Big Bang's Singularity or Blackhole) where Newton's theses do not work. But outside of this particular situation, Newton's sources work perfectly. Again, Quantum Physics Theories do not fit in our known world. It is not possible to calculate the position and momentum of an electron or photon simultaneously. It's the rule of nature. But we can identify the position and momentum of a cricket ball in the world. So what are the two types of science? What is science?

Not at all. Rather, Quantum physics works at the Quantum level or at very low temperature such as in the atomic energy. On the other hand, the common physics or classical physics work in relatively large objects or locations known to us. That is, these two positions are working equally. So both of them are true. So this change in science is completely meaningless.

Similarly, evolution has happened in nature. The evidence is scattered everywhere. Different types of scientists from different parts of the world have seen through various experiments, evolution has evolved into nature. This is a natural phenomenon. As evidenced by scientific evidence, it has given rise to the theory of evolution. If evolution was not true, it would have been kept as a hypothesis. It would not have been given the status of a thief.

The only way to change science is to get rid of what is wrong in the thruira. Science never changes the concept of the Thu of proven. As science has never changed the claim of rotation of the earth around the Sun and it will not. Because it is a proven fact. Similarly, the idea that the gravitational force works in nature has never changed science and will not change. Because it is proven true. In the same way, science will never change the concept of relativity or the Big Bang theory or the dynamic universe. Science never changes its proven thirteen. Only the smallest mistake or error in which part of it is corrected, then it just amends it. That's why science is the most trusted place in the world.

Science changes only in small parts and the best aspect of science is that science itself corrects itself by its own mistakes. Which can not do any other means of the world. The religion also holds the lies and superstitions existing in it. Although, by showing different types of evidence, religion has been misinterpreted, but religion believes that they are as blind as the truth. Religion has put many false ideas, false slurs in the truth. Even if religion is misrepresented, even if it is shown with a finger in the eyes, religion itself is a claim that it is a man of the neck, religion is the only true religion. The rest are all lies.

On the other hand, science does not allow the wrong way to find anyone else. The science itself corrected itself by taking out its own mistakes. That's why people of the world think that by throwing all the media, sciences are as confident as the standard of truth. People believe that science is the most true of science. Because science is established on the truth. Religions are not based on falsehood. Dharma holds up falsehood. And they ask the righteous to believe in falsehood as false. Because of this, the people of the world believe in science as the only means of supreme faith and confidence.

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