###Wonders of Science Discovering Robot ###

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His vision is intrinsically. The bright two eyes are looking straight into it. Middle-aged appearance, cheeks in a light folded lap Golden hair till shoulder Smiling smiling face He extended his hand to 'hello' This is not the description of a Hooda Samundra woman. It's called a machine bomb! Literally machines and people Because there is also 'value' of this machine, 'hush' is also there. Like the man in the form of multiplication. His name is 'Nadine'. Nadine made the Swedish-Canadian professor of Nanayang Technological University, Nadia Thalman, very similar to his appearance. If you see both of them together, the eyes will be seen. Nadia wanted that. He wanted someone who was like him. Nadine wanted to see as a partner! Robot friend? This robot has already reached the footsteps of blood and flesh in the virtual world. At this time, the demand of robot as a friend instead of people will be made in the near future? Maybe it may be. In Singapore, Ray's short story 'Optimus' can be remembered for this incident. A man rented a 'robot-servant' from the shop, a gentleman, a gentleman. See-like people Almost all the works of the house-house could be done without cooking. The word of mouth would not have been done, before all hands could have been done. 'Nadine' is like a very favorable one.
Newspaper or receptionist, will not be able to play any role soon. You can take care of the children or the elderly and the elderly in the home. Nadine is a great companion, Nadia said. Her words and like a perfect friend Once you talk, do not forget your words. What happened in the first meeting, he can tell. Japan is the first machine-man, but Nadine is different from others. There is another specialty of her. There is a mind, there is also a mindset. Nice to have it, bad! Everything is the technology, said Nadia. Nadine's body has been given 'feeling' in the software. Keeping memory, sight, adverb, talking, and connecting with other people. So you laugh, and laugh. If you use bad and do that, say scientist.
This is the quality of the quality. And the form? Nadia said, synthetic skin has been implanted in Nadine's mechanical body to give the human face. Instead of muscle, 'air motors' have been installed. Which will maintain skin tension. The face will be angry, sorrow, joy, and excitement. If the machine was different from the machine? Sociologist Ramanuj Gangopadhyay claims, sometimes not. There is no power to occupy human space. Because he will not be able to think like a man, no matter how much the software is filled with feelings. He can show anger rather than anger, but people do not always do it, he says. But in many places nowadays, employers are employed instead of people. Unemployment market is the new rival robot? China came to the news a few days ago. Robot reading news on 'title' TV. Newsmen are worried about going to work ' Last year, a worker was 'murdered' by the robot in Foxbhagan factory. After the Foxbuilding Authority claimed, the accident was all. However, many employed robots have lost their jobs. Knowing the opportunity, there is a clash of clutter According to sociologists, when the computer comes first, the fear of going to the jobs fell similarly. Now what is the turn of the robot? Nadia's answer is that it is impossible for a man to do the job, he has made Naddin for all his work. All the discoveries are good and bad. Japan has created robots to save lives and manage rescue operations in disaster areas. Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) has recently demonstrated multiple robots that will help combat the disaster, said Yahoo News. HRP-2 Kai, Jackson and Hydra are among the robots to help combat the disaster. HRP-2 can cause it to walk individually because of the cough's cramps. The robot, able to overcome the alienation easily. And so during the disaster, it will be able to play a role in rescue the people from the disaster area. On the other hand, Jackson Robot can carry and use various equipment of the people. Not only this, it can run like a human, but it can run like a human. Almost all kinds of people like Hydra can do. It is called 'HumanAudio Robot' as it is made of human body. The robot based on 'Well Precious' instead of gear. These robots have been created for disaster relief. Robots have a great demand in different countries for various disaster management and rescue operations, said Yahoo News. NIDO plans to organize an international competition to showcase robots.

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The complete robot controlled and operated farm is being set up in Japan. Such a mechanism capable of working automatically will take care of all the work till the harvesting of the farm to the grains of the farm. People just have to do the planting work. After planting the seeds, after harvesting of crops and after harvesting, it is the automated process of the farm that performs the full responsibility of harvesting crops properly. Automated procedures will regularly monitor the presence of carbon dioxide in the air, adequate lighting and warmth related issues to complete the tasks properly, technology news site Wired. The Japanese firm spreads this farm in a different way. The head office of the company, located in Kyoto city, has been informed that due to this new process, production capacity will increase by 25 percent and it will be possible for buyers to provide products at a lower price.
In this context, a Spread spokesman said that the process will reduce employee costs by about half and reduce energy consumption by one-third. The company has further informed that the farm will be built as a part of a large complex and will be worth a million pounds for its research, construction and implementation. The new process will be implemented in 'Vertical' mode, according to Planner Institute PrepPad. In this process, the process will be able to produce food at 'verbal' level, and if the food is produced in a 'vertical' system, then the weather and the environment can not have adverse effects and it is quickly detected as being infected, because the ward has said. The new process will start work by 2017 and in the first position every day 30,000 packet lettuce leaves will be expected to spread Spread.
In the civilian life, the house can not be properly maintained. Immediately instructed some robots in the house. And they started rotating all the time, or something went on floating and cleaning your homes. Undoubtedly the matter is fun. But not impossible. Because of the idea of ​​a cleaning system such as Adrian Perez Jaapata, a Colombian student. Adrian has given this project the name of the man. He is basically a student of art design. Adrian shows through this project that hundreds of small robots will be engaged in keeping the house clean. 23-year-old Adrian Electronix Design Lab Competition 2013 is one of the 20 Semi-finals. This year the main issue of this compilation was on the living standard of the people. Where graduate and postgraduate students had the opportunity to showcase projects about cooking, clean air and laborless cleaning process. Adrian presented the idea of ​​his project. In this case, there is a mechanism for carrying water and cleaning chemicals inside the main robot. Later, this water and chemical was distributed equally among 908 small robots. These small robots have a propeller or fan with a coat. As a result, they are able to fly. These solar energy will be used as fuel for the movement of energy. They will collect solar energy through the wing of the body. After receiving the instructions, they will scan the floor of the house and clean the dirt-rubbish. This September is known to be the final competition among the semi-finalists of Electrode Design Lab Compition. The first prize in the competition is 5000 euros or 6658 USD. There is also a six-month internship opportunity at the ElectraLux Design Center. Adrian's design says that they can manage the cleaning activities of a particular object or specific place in the house. Besides, it will be able to inform various news related activities through mobile notification. Although such a cleaning robot is not something new However, they were limited to industry only. But Adrian's plans are expected to start using it in homesteads.

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In science fiction movies, robots and people are working as well. Robots have extended their hand in helping people to work. However, this scenario may be seen in the future, not only in cinema but in reality. Because a group of scientists has developed a software that makes robots more advanced, smart and efficient. Under this project, this software was developed to improve the robot's brain, with the help of some educational institutions like the University of Lincoln, University of Birmingham and the University of England. With this, robots can learn from different experiences while working on their way and will be able to apply it later.
In this context, Professor Tom Docket of the University of Lincoln said that it will introduce future generation robot technology. Robots will soon be able to work with people in their homestead or at work. The main goal of this project, called the Stands Project, is to make robots as efficient as possible to work with people as fast as possible.
They hope that robots will be seen to work with intelligence in the workspaces very soon. For example, a robot employed in security work is seen in any inconsistency anywhere in the workplace, the responsible men will send the news to the officer, the inconsistencies may not have been observed by the security personnel.

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