How can we link science to religion?


Ecclesiastes 8:17 ‘I realized that no one can discover everything God is doing under the sun. Not even the wisest people discover everything, no matter what they claim.’

I have made an investigation into every major world religion myself. Various christian sects/Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Evolutionism, Hinduism, Shinto, ect.

Rather then automatically accepting things you should look into them yourself.

For example, some tenets of Evolutionism:

Tenet: Unguided mutations can write the complex instructions necessary to create functional structures and new body plans given enough time.

Reality: Mutations can only ever overwrite pre-existing data. Not expand the amount of usable information in your genome.

Tenet: Most our DNA should in fact be junk-code leftover from millions of years of evolution.

Reality: ENCODE continues to disprove junk DNA. Previously 98% of the genome was thought to be junk. Which would be a perfectly logical assumption were evolution capable of what they want it to be capable of. Sadly for those individuals science shows function in 80%+ with new papers coming out all the time.

This is a major problem…since even so called neutral mutations are eroding our genome as time passes.

The Origin of Man and the "Waiting Time" Problem | Evolution News

Genetic Entropy

A Billion Genes

I think this religion could use some critical thinking.

Is it more reasonable to conclude that complex machinery and coding must have an engineer or that random events could make them?

Plant Experiments: How Plants Use Math | Was It Designed?

But how do we link religion, or in this case the Bible, to science? Are they compatible?

Proverbs 1:4 “…To impart shrewdness to the inexperienced;To give a young man knowledge and thinking ability.”

Historical Accuracy—Reason 1, You Can Trust the Bible

Candor and Honesty—Reason 2, You Can Trust the Bible

Internal Harmony—Reason 3, You Can Trust the Bible

Scientific Accuracy—Reason 4, You Can Trust the Bible

Fulfilled Prophecy—Reason 5, You Can Trust the Bible

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