Ancient Diseases Long Thought Gone Are Coming Back Due To Melting Permafrost

Researchers have found that a lot of bacterial and viral organisms that were trapped beneath the permafrost in areas such as Siberia are suddenly coming back to life after sections of ground that have long been covered over are becoming exposed due to shifting planetary climate conditions.

These sorts of occurrences (the re-entry of long removed viruses/bacteria) are thought to continue to occur with greater frequency going forward and are potentially a cause for concern. The BBC article sourced below describes how a family in Siberia was infected by anthrax due to this, as a deer carcass infected with the bacteria was re-exposed.

The times they are changing, and the world appears to becoming a potentially scarier place. How do you feel about this? Are you concerned about the release of potential infectious organisms that have been safely preserved beneath the ice for many years?

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