The Global Warming Frauds


I read an interesting article in the American Thinker (see link) about "global warming," or as the loonies now call it, "climate change," after discovering that it isn't getting warmer at all. There is, of course, several other terms for climate change such as weather, seasonal change, etc.. The "debate" surrounding this naturally occurring phenomenon epitomizes the politicization of science. The entire impetus behind environmental legislation hinges on two things- taxes and votes.

Carbon taxes based on bogus science are merely a way for governments to extort money from corporations, causing money that could be used to provide jobs to go for corruptocrats who in turn use the funds to provide grants for "further study" to equally corrupt organizations such as the Sierra Club and Greenpeace. These organizations control large blocks of voters- many of them anti- progress luddites that have been brainwashed since grade school to believe the "Earth is in peril." In truth, as far as the "scientists" affiliated with the "research" have already determined the outcome beforehand and grasp at straws looking for "evidence" to back it up.

The fact is that changes in temperatures have occurred since the beginning of time and will continue long after humans no longer inhabit the planet. At the forefront of global warming prognosticators is Bill Nye the Science Guy. He along with other noted scientists such as Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jimmy Kimmel advocate jailing climate change "deniers." I thought I'd take a look at Bill Nye's qualifications as a scientist, and I'm glad I did.

Bill Nye received a BS (how appropriate) degree in education from Cornell. Given that I have an MA, that would likely make me more of a scientist than Bill. It also goes a long way toward explaining why his TV show was to sell bogus science to children rather than adults who would likely see through the nonsense. Interestingly, he made about $6.5 million from the Disney Company as an entertainer with his nonsensical show (that I wouldn't allow my children to watch).

But no amount of genuine scientific data or common sense will keep the government from gouging corporations for carbon taxes, or from pretend scientists like Bill Nye and Al Gore from making money from the climate change suckers.

GIF by @papa-pepper


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