FIRE IN A CLASS (alkenes)| Science experiment by: @richhz06

Hello and welcome to this new post

First of all, this is a new thing to my blog because I don't have anything to do with chemistry here. I just wanted to share this experiment that I did and how it works.

This is just a little bit of my experience doing this and I just want to say that this is a short post.


What we did is pour a little bit of an alkene into a melting pot.

Alkene: is an unsaturated hydrocarbon that contains AT LEAST one carbon.

Here you can see a 3D example of what an alkene is:

This photo was taken from Wikipedia

Then we approach a match to the melting pot and a flame went on, it made a little explosion (a burst) and then it went down a little but the flame was still there.

I know this is just a little activity but I just wanted to share this to all of you. 

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