Is your perception reality or is reality your perception??

Is our perception reality or do we perceive reality??


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Does our perception shape reality or do we simply perceive reality as is.
This is a very interesting question because it leads to other questions like do we live in a simulation or why are we here? For example if our perception shapes reality does that mean we were meant to change and shape the world or is the universe just designed so perfect?
So what is perception? Perception is our comprehension of the world/universe through sensory abilities (sight,touch,smell,etc.). Perception has always been a big discussion in philosophy is our perception reality or is it out projection of reality? For example if we were in a room together and there was a blue chair in the middle of the room with created intentions to be blue. Now you may see red and I may see purple but the man who has created the chair intended for it to be blue so therefore is it blue,red,or purple? Well this is the point I was making earlier because the creator intended for it to be blue so did he create a blue chair or was his perception of blue imprinted onto the chair? Stay with me here I know I haven’t really answered any questions yet but that’s why we are here to discuss and discover together.
So another example say you and a blind man where in the same room same chair and asked the same question the man approaches the chair and feels it (smells it etc.). The man says it is a red chair but you see blue while the creator intended (and sees) blue. Who is right? Well the reason I go into vision in particular is because it’s the best way for me to explain with science.

Light and vision
Now to explain vision I have to explain light also. Soo backtracking here, everything in the universe works of vibrations, frequency, and energy. Light in particular is special because not only is it the means of which we see the the universe but it is also a very important part of the electromagnetic radiation scale. For example the universe’s natural state is darkness in fact about 80% of space is dark matter, while light is emitted from energy/radiation but has the ability to create life. So the connection (or what we know) between light and vision stems from quantum physics, See when we “see” we emit a reflection of light that (at the speed of light) can change a particle to wave or vice versa. Now since this discovery there has been even more questions about perception… I know too many questions not enough answers.

Spooky action
This action of collapsing waves to particles or vice versa is a form of quantum entanglement the connection of two or more particles that react at the same time no matter how far. Albert Einstein called this spooky action because of the contradictory to physics. So the fact that our eyes can collapse or change particles\waves forms the question do we shape reality? Well let me contradict that question with another question.

So modern day simulations or used to run test or even for entertainment, but lets keep it science for now. Since simulations are used to test hypothesis then they have to project reality accurately so it is safe to see it is a projection of our reality. Now simulations or any computer runs of binary line codes of 1 or 0 with 8 possible outcomes, each outcome performs an action according to the last command. So when you click a link the basis of that action turns from a 1 (or 0) to 0 (or 1). Now I know this does not explain even the basics of coding but it explains what we need to know for know. So what does this have to do with light and perception? Well like I explained before our eyes seem to reflect light in such a way that it changes particles\waves in an almost an instant in the same way a computer carry out commands in 1 and 0’s. Now games use a number of codes but the basis is 1 and 0’s based in the user's commands.

Every human has a magnetic field… well know that I think of it technically everything does since everything has a positive or negative charge but anyway. Our thoughts are apart of our electromagnetic I make this point because our thoughts govern our reactions and stimulus thus making perception. So at the basis of perception is thought, now our thoughts have physical effects on the the world. Our brains emit waves the same way out heart emits our electromagnetic fields but our memories are electrical impulses so they emit their own electromagnetic field and sending waves affecting particles etc. So what does this mean? Well our thoughts emit waves and collapse particles the same way our vision meaning we perceive reality at the sametime our electromagnetic field affects reality.
That’s it for tonight thank you for reading do not forget to upvote and reply

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