For Each Kilo You Put You Knock About Two Months Off Your Life Span: Study


Have you put on some extra kilos? Its time you start the drill to shed them off the soonest. According to a latest study, being overweight can cut life expectancy by two months for every extra kilo you put on. Diabetes was also found to have negative influence on life expectancy which was linked by body fat and other factors. The study also aimed to find out the impact of various lifestyle, physiological and genetic factors on the overall lifespan of people.
The research published in the journal Nature Communications, also revealed that educated people lead a longer life, with almost a year added for each year spent studying beyond school. Another major lifestyle change that could increase your lifespan was curbing your tendencies to smoke. People who quit smoking had a significantly greater life expectancy.
For the study the team analyzed, genetic information from more than 6,00,000 people alongside records of their parents' lifespan. Scientists revealed that people share half of their genetic information with each of their parents. The scientists then calculated the impact of various genes on life expectancy.
The team also revealed that lifestyle choices are influenced to a certain extent by our DNA - genes, for example, have been linked to alcohol consumption and addiction. So with the genetic data, scientists were able to work out which factors have the greatest influence on lifespan and found that losing one kilogram of weight could increase your lifespan by two months while smoking a packet of cigarettes per day over a lifetime knocks an average of seven years off life expectancy.
1.Have protein in every meal
Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet, and having protein at all meal times, accelerates weight loss. It leaves you feeling full for longer and helps lower your total body fat.
2.Regulate your refined carbohydrates and sugars intake
All refined carbohydrates break down in your body to produce sugar. This in turn will cause your blood sugar levels to rise. Refined carbohydrates and sugar also make you retain water and cause bloating, which is something you especially want to avoid.
3.Cut out on processed food
Read the labels and see if it has any additives, MSG, preservatives, and artificial colors are best avoided. These are foods you want to completely avoid as they are full of sodium and such few nutrients that you might as well be eating the cardboard box.
4.Stay hydrated
Make sure you keep yourself hydrated at all times. Studies claim that the thermogenic effect of water, leads to a 30 percent increase in metabolism. Water also acts as a natural appetite suppressant aiding weight loss.
Take note of these points and lose weight the healthy way.


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