Dark matter-real or hypothetical

Hello guys I come to take a new post about dark matter and the existence of it.

Before I give you brief evidence about existence of dark matter.I would like to explaindark-matter_home_v1.png

Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that is thought to account for approximately 80% of the matter in the universe,and about a Quarter of it's total energy density.The majority of dark matter is thought to be non-baryonic in nature,which is an undiscovered subatomic particle.
Now a question arise from it's name WHY IT IS CALLED DARK MATTER?

it's name is dark matter because of the fact that it doesn't appear to interact with observable electromagnetic radiation,such as LIGHT,and is thus invisible(or dark) to the entire electromagnetic spectrum which make it extremely difficult to detect using usual astronomical equipment.


Late 1960s Vera Rubin and Kent Ford discovered that galaxies don't behave the way they should, Scientists have been looking for the mysterious substance behind that behaviour.That theoretical stuff is called dark matter as it is invisible to telescopes,but it has mass,which means it can show it's might through the force of gravity.

To understand that you have to go back to high school Physics class,Guys you remember that the more mass something has,the greater it's gravitational PULL.If galaxies were only made up of the stuff.we can see,there wouldn't be enough gravity to keep them together,much less to keep the stars in the sparse outer edges orbiting just as fast as those in the center.In just as fast as those in the center.In fact, Scientists reckon that normal matter makes up less than 5% of the universe.Dark matter seems to make up a whopping 27%.the rest is a mysterious force called** DARK ENERGY**.disk-daup.It atter.jpg
We can also see it's mass in the warping of spacetime itself.
According to Einstein's theory of general relativity,Matter curves the fabric of spacetime like the same way as bowling ball curves the fabric of a trampoline.
When light travels towards that curve,it does not go in a straight line.Instead,it follows the curve bending around the massive objects before continuing on it's path.that warp in spacetime turns into a sort of cosmic magnifying glass in a phenomenon known as GRAVITATIONAL LENSING.But yet again,the gravitational lensing produced by a galaxy or galaxy cluster which too great to be explained by the matter which can seen by us or get discovered.
So,This effect is yet another piece of evidence for the existence of dark matter.

We can even see unexpected patterns in the Cosmic microwave background,the light left over from the birth of our universe,that also a point to the existence of DARK MATTER.
For besides this hypothetical matter(dark matter) Scientists also tried to find it's alternative.Instead of dark matter,maybe gravity just doesn't behave the same way everywhere in the universe.Researchers have tried tweaking gravity to make galaxies rotate differently than Einstein's theories say they should,sans dark matter,and it can work-but then other observations they made don't match up.It also indicate that dark matter exist.

So it's all theoretical evidence which proofs that dark matter really exist.
I hope guys You like my article l give my best to write this.
If You like then not miss my next post Which is about experiment done by Scientists for finding dark matter.

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