Infinity and the Patterns of Life

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
Albert Einstein

How can you imagine infinity? By definition it is beyond description, endless, beginningless, timeless, forever.

There have been many symbols to represent infinity over the years, the Ouroboros or snake eating its own tail shown above is just one of them. The infinite cycle of creation and destruction in nature.

Fractals are unique in that they are both finite and infinite. Like measuring a coastline with ever decreasing implements, you will always find more by looking more. The perimeter of a fractal is infinite, just as our landscapes contain infinite detail, yet when looked at from afar the appear to be finite. They have a set form and yet infinite complexity.

The mandelbrot set is sometimes called ‘the thumbprint of god’. Here we can get a small glimpse of what the infinite could look like and how something so simple as a mathematical equation (Z = Z2 + C) combined with a feedback loop and iterations can cause such complexity of form.

From any point in the rendering of the mandelbrot set, the whole image can be reconstructed, over and over again. The universe has a similar fractal-holographic nature. Patterns appear in multiple scales and each individual contains the whole. These self similar patterns and the dual torus manifold are everywhere in the universe.

To have a starting point, there are two main patterns we see in life.


You see the branching in the smallest capillaries under your skin, your nervous system, rivers, branches, roots, leaves, generational trees, evolution. You see it in the growth of mould,growing and branching off to find the best resources.

It is also seen in the growth of our cities…

Such patterns are the most efficient for life to find sustenance and nurture it's individual 'cells' by working collectively as a whole, this is why it is repeated in many areas of life, from your lungs to trees and their branches and roots.

Time, when looked at in relation to itself is also a branching phenomena. When singular events have more than one possible outcome, each outcome becomes a ‘branch’ of time. While we only see the branch we are following in the present moment and remember branches we have taken in the past, every event and possibility exists simultaneously. This is the ‘Many Worlds’ interpretation of quantum mechanics (but it is only one interpretation, let me know what you think!).

Many plants show the Fibonacci sequence in the arrangement of their leaves and branches...


The spiral, spinning pattern is also everywhere, from the turbulence of liquids and gasses, tornadoes, hurricanes, weather patterns, electrons circling the atom centre, moons circling planets, circling stars circling galaxies, electrons circling atomic nuclei.

The spirals, just like the golden rectangles and fibonacci they span, can travel to infinity in both directions. One direction spinning outwards and expanding, the other spinning inwards and contracting.

Fibonacci is a simple formulae where the next number in the sequence is a sum of the previous numbers...
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55… etc

Fibonacci is a reaching towards the Phi ratio φ. Each subsequent number ratio, reaches ever closer to the Phi ratio.

5 divided by 3 is 1.666, 8 divided by 5 is 1.60, etc, etc...

Φ = 1.618033988749895… (in this number, like Pi the decimals go on forever, infinity in a finite space, just like a fractal...)

As you can see, with each subsequent iteration, the ratio reaches ever closer to Phi. Similarly when a snail grows its shell, it starts off rough and ends up very close to the phi ratio in its outer edges. We can see the Phi ratio as ‘the ideal’ and the fibonacci, the steps to reach it.

See this video for a simple explanation

The mathematics of our universe are incredible when you really get down to it. I think I will need to expand on this article in future visits, it is a rather expansive subject as... well... It does cover pretty much everything…

One other subject I was going to try and include in this post was consciousness...

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

– Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918

I will cover this more in future as well as cover some of the pioneering work of Nassim Haramein. I would have linked to his page but his website has been taken down and his Wikipedia page has been continuously deleted… Maybe he’s onto something and they don’t want us to know…. ;)

Bye for now!

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