history of the invention of the eye examiner


dated 6 December 1850, German scientist and physicist hermann von helmholtz announced his invention of a device he named ophthalmoscop to berlin physical society. his explanation titled beschreibung eines augenspiegels zur untersuchung der netzhaut im lebenden auge (a mirror of the eye for retinal investigation of living people) was published in October 1851.

through its findings, the ophthalmologist can look into a person's eyes, particularly the details of the retina of the eye, so as to diagnose the disorder and prevent blindness. his findings revolutionized ophthalmology.

hermann von helmholtz is actually not the first to "find" the ophthalmoscope. In 1823, John Purkinje had observed the back of the eye and in 1847 charles babbage devised a device similar to a tool which was later developed by Helmholtz. Unfortunately purkinje and babbage's work is not widely known and when the helmholtz finds it and realizes its benefits, he immediately announces the results of his design.

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