[English] They changed the world: Eugene Shoemaker and Carl Sagan.

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Today I want to talk about two geniuses, one opened the eyes of millions of people arousing interest in the truth and the other marked a before and after for scientists.


Why Eugene Shoemaker was such an important astronomer? Eugene or also called "Gene" contributed to science in numerous ways: he studied over a decade observing the sky in search of asteroids approaching Earth and kites, culminating in the discovery of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, the Which collided with Jupiter in 1994, giving the scientific world the opportunity to understand the dynamics of comets and planetary science of Jupiter.

Going back to his beginnings, he first graduated from the California Institute of Technology Pasadena at the age of 19, and obtained his doctorate with a thesis on the petrology of metamorphic rocks of the Precambrian. He then partnered with the United States Geological Survey, an organization he would collaborate with for the rest of his life. Shoemaker sensed that lunar craters were due to meteorite impacts. In 1956 he insisted for that USGS to make a geological map of the Moon, he presented a paper at Princeton in 1960 to obtain a doctorate.

In that same year, the United States began with the space program that tried to take the man to the Moon. In 1963 Eugene joined the screening tests dreaming that someday he could step on the surface of the satellite, but he was diagnosed Addison's disease, so he had to abandon his dream. Shoemaker reached the climax of a lifetime dedicated to research by having the opportunity to study the impacts of fragments of the comet that bears his name that impacted in the surface of the planet Jupiter.

And we can not forget that in 1965 he was appointed scientific director in charge of organizing the geological activities on the Moon of the Apollo program, so he contributed to the great step that humanity would take, like Carl Sagan. And who was Carl Sagan?
Carl Sagan is the man who took science to our homes, when he was a child he asked the typical question that we have all asked ourselves: Are we alone in the universe?
Carl inherited his love for the learning of his mother, who first took him to the public library to learn about the stars, was about 7 years old, and this is how Sagan began to fall in love with astronomy. By the time he reached his teens his passion persisted and he got a summer job in the H.J Muller laboratory, where he was investigating the origin of life on earth.
Later in the university of chicago did doctorate in astronomy and astrophysics, and quickly passed the event, the was invited to him to Carl to join the first interplanetary expedition, where investigated to Venus and Carl spoke for the first time in television of that planet like an expert
His success and fame took off, his greenhouse theory was supported and already being part of NASA, Sagan began his mission to explore other worlds and seek life in space
In 1963 Sagan accepted the invitation to teach astronomy at Harvard. Carl did not give up on his mission and sought electromagnetic signals from other civilizations, he also wrote the book called "Intelligent Life in the Universe" and thus began to arouse people's interest in science, Sagan wanted to popularize science but Harvard was not According to This, he was conservative.
In 1969 NASA began its most fantastic journey until then, taking a man to the moon, Sagan was part of the preparation team for the Apollo 11 astronauts.
More than a decade later NASA in 1975 would send the first object capable of capturing images on Mars, and Sagan narrated his reaction live on seeing them arrive for the first time.
Sagan years later, he got the idea and created a recording of images and sounds that would travel in interstellar space. His goal was to put everything representative of the human race into a device that would travel through space and that if there was intelligent life they would find it and the project was realized.
Carl Sagan became a star and the presenter of "Cosmos", program that took 3 years to record it and in more than 12 countries. Cosmos premiered in September 1980, became a hit, being the most viewed series in history, followed by more than 400 million viewers worldwide.
In 1983 Sagan signed a document suggesting that a nuclear war could produce nuclear devastating that would freeze the surface of the planet like the sandstorms it observed on Mars. He protested against nuclear weapons and was consequently arrested.
In 1986 I traveled around the world giving lectures to save the planet and 7 years later Carl's dream of knowing if we were alone in the universe was a respectable science thanks to him. In 1996, news appeared to support Sagan's decades of hard work and speculation. An asteroid found in Antarctica, it had fossil remains of Martian microbes.
Carl and Eugene are scientists who are not only contributed to science also a whole generation, helped to arouse the curiosity of millions of people, were two geniuses in search of the truth and gave their lives for what they loved.


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