Many people do not know that the universe have harboured a lot of strange and weird incidences. Evolution makes us think that the modern humans are a product of gradual development of primates over time and modern human and technologies are of recent origin. Here are unfathomable technologies and proofs evolution theory cannot explain. In this article, you will see the possibility of equally intelligent humans or at least extraterrestrials in the ancient times.

  1. Ancient Nanotechnology
    One of the intriguing and mysterious objects found within 1991 – 1993 points to nanotechnology. A group of gold prospectors on the small river Narada located on the eastern side of the Ural Mountains found some spiral-shaped objects within 1991 – 1993. The object ranges in size of about 3cm to 0.003mm which is about the size of 1/10,000th an inch. Such an object can only be a product of nanotechnology. Laboratory tests carried out on these objects revealed that these objects are actually composed of an alloy of copper and the rare metals Tungsten and molybdenum. The most fascinating part is that these objects were dated to be between 20,000 and 318,000 years old. However, what these objects are used for or who made them is a bigger misery.
    Other ancient nanotechnology is the 1,600 years old Goblet in Rome. It is known as the Lycurgus Cup because of a scene involving King Lycurgus of Thrace depicts jade green when lit from the front but blood-red when lit from behind. The mastery of the cup was solved in 1990 when some scientists examined the broken fragments under microscope. This cup is the key to a new technologies to diagnose or detect biohazards.

  2. Ancient Calculator
    Another misery of the ancient days is the ancient calculator, the Antikythira Device found at the site of an ancient shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythira. This devices astonishingly dates back to nearly one hundred BC but the significance of the mechanism was not understood for 75 years. According to (source: http://mentalfloss.com/article/81445/15-intriguing-facts-about-antikythera-mechanism) new insight about the mysterious Antikythera mechanisms was made in June 2016 which intrigued archaeologist, classicist, historians and the public for decades. This device was made from bronzes and consists of series of interlocking cogs and wheels which is quite unique and very extraordinary. According to a (Earth Forbidden Secret) the instrument bears inscriptions that seem to refer to zodiac positions with a great deal of accuracy and from it perfections, the manufacturer have a powerful command of astronomical expertise. Consisting of at least 30 bronze gears in a wooden container was highly advanced for its time and similar astronomical clock did not reappear in Europe until the 14th century. Where do the ancient men, evolving from monkeys have this technology from?

  3. Ancient Electricity
    According to (Earth Forbidden Secret Part 1 by Maxwell Igan) several clay pots have been excavated in Iraq that appeared been soldered with a lead/tin alloy, topped with copper disc and sealed bitumen and when a mixture of copper sulphate and acetic acid (Citrus juice or vingar) was poured into the pots, the produced around 2 volts of electricity. Electrochemical cell comes in. In the ancient days, electric supply was used as much as we used it today.

  4. Ancient Metal Sphere (2.8 Billion Years)
    This is another addition to the bizarre series of finds that are still ongoing for the past 60 years and miners in South Africa discovered literally hundreds of metal spheres from deep underground. Two types of spheres: one is of solid bluish metal and has white flecks in it while the others are hollow with a kind of spongy centre. This sphere was described by the curator of the museum of Klerksdorp in South Africa, Mr Roelf Marx as “The sphere of complete mystery”. Roelf Marx in September 12, 1984 wrote that there is nothing scientific published about the globes, but the facts are: They are found in pyrophyllite, which is mined near the little town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal and age 2.8 billion years ago. The sphere was tested in the California Space Institute at the University of California to determine how well balanced it was and surprisingly, the sphere was in fact perfectly and exactly balanced. The balance of these spheres exceeds the limit of any of the space institutes current measuring technology.
    5 Ancient Spark Plug (500,000 years old)
    Just like the bizarre Metal Sphere, another mysterious finds in 1961 by the owners of a gift shop in Olancha, Califonia. They retrieved an object that seemed to be a normal fossil-encrusted geode while fossicking in the Coso Mountains. Astonishingly, when they later cut the geode in half with a diamond saw in expectation of a collection of crystal, they found an obviously artificial object inside it. Surprisingly the objected turned out to be a kind of spark plug when X-rayed which had a metal core surrounded by layers of a ceramic-like material and a hexagonal (now petrified) wooden sleeve. The object resembled the modern day spark plug. However, the controversy about this spark plug was the fossil geode that encrusted it was estimated to be around 500,000 years old. How can there a plug of such age if there wasn’t at least, an intelligent being if not humans.

  5. Evidence of Ancient Weaponry
    Modern humankind have never experience the horrific catastrophy of the aftermath of a nuclear explosion until the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945 but an accurate description was written in ancient text thousands of years ago. A particular Sanskrit epics of ancient India titled “The Mahabharata” which spoke of doom and destruction and some specific verses allegedly spoke of a nuclear war. They describe massive fireball weapons falling from the sky during the war Roman entire against the arsh tribe of Antlantis. Part of the script says “…A single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame as briht as the thousand suns rose in all its plendor…a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds… the could of smoke rising after its explosion formed into expanding round circle like the opening of giant parasols…the corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out. Pottery broke without apparent cause and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected…to escapte from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipments… (Source: Mahabharata). The oldest preserved parts of the book falls around the 8th and 9th centuries BCE (Van Buitene: The Mahabharata -1)
    Another proof is the Ancient City discovered at Mohenjo-Daro, an archeological site of Indus Valley civilization that thrived around 2000BCE. Evidences such as Mud brick buildings, Bodies, Radioctivity, and Vitrification suggests that Mohenjo-Daro was destroyed by an atomic bomb explosion around 1500 BCE. Where did the atomic bomb come from when it is expected that people around that time should not be able to make the smallest bomb.

  6. The Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica
    These are spheres with sizes ranging from a few centimetres to over 2 metres and weight up to 16 tons. Though these spherical tones are quite obvious that they were artificial, who may have made them and placed them or why is a complete mystery. These stones dates back to Aguas Buenas Period (300-800 CE) and Chiriqui Period (800-1500CE). Can anyone tell what intelligent technology could have done made this stones during these two periods?
    Some theories states that the area was once a huge scale map of the Solar system but unfortunately too many of the stone have now been moved from their original location to know whether this may have been the case. The cut of thee spheres was perfection and are incredibly smooth. To cut a large stone into absolutely perfect sphere is of difficulty of the highest degree and the methods that may have been used to achieve such flawless results is also totally baffling.

  7. Iron Pillar of Delhi India
    Have you heard of the Iron Pillar at Delhi India? This iron pillar has completely defied metallurgist by remaining absolutely rust free for the last 1600 years. Nobody knows for sure how long the pillar has actually been standing and there are more than one of these pillars in India. Since it can stay this long, it can be concluded to be extremely old. Nevertheless, the problem lies in the fact that such rust free iron, of the type that is found in these pillars is unheard of in our modern technology. To metallurgist, these iron pillars is a nightmarish, or dream. Another fascinating thing about this pillar is that the only iron of this properties were brought back from the moon during the Apollo missions!

  8. The Mysterious Metal Vase
    The Scientific Americal in June, 1851 reprinted a report that appeared for the first time in Boston Transcript about a metallic vase that had been discovered by miners The vase was located among the rubble that had been dynamited out of solid sedimentary rock in Dorchester, deeply embedded inside the rock. According to this discovery, it is indicated that it had been there for an extremely long time. The vase was bell-shaped that measures 41/2 to 61/2 inches at this base and consist of a zinc and silver alloy while the sides are decorated with designs of flower and bouquet arrangement. Astonishingly, the rock of which it was embedded was estimated to be 100,000 years old. The question is how this verse comes from a 100,000 years old when the technology can only make primitive tools?

  9. A Fossilized Human Shoe Print
    In Antelope Spring, Utah, another amaizing artefact was discovered by William J. Meister in June 1968. He split open a slab of rock (two inch thick) with a hammer and guess what was found. Obviously you guessed correctly. It is a fossilized human shoe print with trilobites right in the print itself. The shoe print is 10 and a quarter inches long and 3 and half inches wide and have indent like the soles of a modern shoe that crushed a living trilobite. This artefact was estimated to be 300 and 600 million year ago yet it shows evidence of human wearing it. Is evolution theory able to explain why?

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